

Friday, January 30, 2009

January 30, 2009

I had your 33 week appointment today.  My blood pressure is fine and your heart rate is in the 150s.  I've gained 21 pounds (that the doctor knows about -- I actually gained about 5 before my first appointment) and we don't have any swelling or other issues.  My back hurts sometimes, but Amy, the PRN, said that was perfectly normal, so we're doing great! 

Amy also said that you're currently positioned head down, so the movements I feel up high are your kicks and the ones I feel down low are your punches.  You are moving a lot lately, which is fun.  I can pretty much count on you moving after I eat.  Everything is going perfectly and in just 6 to 7 weeks you'll be here!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

January 27, 2009

I just reread what I wrote back on July 26, almost exactly 6 months ago.  It seems like so long ago -- so much has changed.

You're definitely real to us now.  My belly is enormous, and you're a very active baby in there.  Plus, the nursery is 90% complete, we're preparing for our second shower in less than 3 weeks, and I've started documenting my job and plans for while I'm on leave.  It's amazing to think that you will be here in 7 weeks or less.

I think it's really getting real for Daddy, too.  We're definitely both excited, but we're starting to feel the pressure of getting everything done and being ready.  My mobility and energy levels are decreasing, too, which is a challenge.  I just need to figure out exactly what and how much I can do.  Lately I've been overdoing it for a few days and then completely exhausted for a day or two.  I think Daddy and I just need to accept the fact that I'm going to have to slow down and forgo some social commitments over the next few weeks.  So much change!  So much to learn and so much to look forward to!

Friday, January 23, 2009

January 23, 2009

It's been a very busy week.  We spent most of last weekend running errands, but we accomplished a lot.  We stocked up on things for you and some clothes for Daddy.  Then on Monday we found shelves and a toybox for your room.  Daddy's going to wait to paint or stain them until we know if you are a boy or a girl.  My gut instinct is that you are a girl.  Daddy feels like you are a boy.  We'll know for sure in just about 7 weeks.

On Tuesday our refrigerator broke, so we spent much of Wednesday finding a good deal on a new one.  It will be delivered tomorrow.  It really will be nice to have more room once you start eating solid foods, and I'm sure we'll be happy to have some of these large purchases out of the way before you get here.

Yesterday was Daddy's 32nd birthday!  We can't believe that you'll be almost a year old when he turns 33.  I met him and his friends for lunch, then Daddy and I had a very nice dinner just the two of us.  We're going to do his birthday cake this weekend with some neighbors -- but I'm not sure what Daddy will wish for.  With you coming so soon, it seems that all of our wishes have already come true.

Friday, January 16, 2009

January 16, 2009

Time is alternately going too fast and too slow.  In some ways I can't believe it's mid-January and you are due 2 months from tomorrow -- though I still think you'll be here on the 12th or 13th.  In other ways 2 months seems like far too long to wait.

Tonight Daddy and I are going to Babies R Us to buy your carseat and stroller and stock up on diapers and wipes.  They're having a sale.  I guess it's really a sign of our new priorities that we're going to spend a Friday night shopping for diapers.  :o)

I have to admit that I'm starting to get nervous as the time gets nearer.  Everyone tells us that the first few weeks are overwhelming.  Daddy and I will be exhausted. 

I need to start reading all my books about you once you're here.  You'll find that I am always much more confident about any decision/situation if I've done research.  Daddy laughs at me, but he's really the same way.  We will definitely do our best and I'm sure we'll eventually get the hang of it -- hopefully before you go to college...

34 weeks

Sunday, January 4, 2009

January 4, 2009

We survived the Christmas trip to Kansas City.  Trips home are usually hectic, but lots of fun. 

This year's trip had more than its fair share of hectic -- Daddy and BaBa were both sick much of the week, Daddy was supposed to be working on the computers at the plant, and I scheduled lunches, breakfasts, coffes, etc with lots of friends.  It all worked out, but it was a relief to get hom on Monday.

Unfortunately, I seem to have come down with Daddy's cold/flu, but at least it waited until the weekend.  I've done very little yesterday and today, but hope to be back to myself tomorrow for work.

There really isn't much else going on.  We have your next doctor's appointment on Thursday.  I should get the results of the glucose test (which I'm sure went fine), but otherwise it should be pretty standard.

Aunt Chrissy is starting to plan your Charleston shower.  It should be fun -- primarily neighbors.  Otherwise we're just relaxing and waiting for you to get here -- just 2 1/2 months to go!