

Monday, April 25, 2011

Thank you, Easter Bunny (Bawk! Bawk!)

Just as I fondly remember the Cadbury Eggs commercials of the mid-80s, we're working on wonderful Easter memories for Charlie -- and despite his general disinterest in TV, it's safe to say the candy will play a pivotal role when he looks back.

The thrill of Easter weekend actually began Wednesday night when Daddy arrived home from Washington DC.  Despite over an hour long flight delay, Charlie was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed when Daddy got off the plane, charming the rest of the passengers and even playing skycap for Daddy.

One more day of school, then Charlie and I both had Friday off.  After a long, rainy day (thank goodness for sunshine...Charlie is not an indoor kid!), we all met Calvin, Chris & Sophie for an evening of bowling and pizza.  I'm not sure who had more fun -- the boys bowling (with 9 pound balls, since I'm apparently selectively dyslexic) or the parents watching them.  Despite a few "stuck" balls, the game was a raging success -- I even broke 100!

Saturday was primarily devoted to Easter Dinner prep, but Charlie and Daddy did have some serious fun dying eggs while I made dinner -- with Mommy and Daddy learning that while he does his best, handling eggs is a level of careful Charlie can't quite manage yet... oh well!

Sunday morning dawned -- well actually pre-dawned with some demanding puppy dogs, but standing on the back porch at 5 AM allowed us to stop and truly remember the miracle of that early dawn two thousand years ago, when the stone rolled away and we all received the most precious Easter gift of all, if only we'll accept it.  While I would have loved to sleep until sun-up, I am grateful to have had those few moments to reflect on what really matters.

Then came the sun and one extremely excited 2 year old -- did someone say candy -- before breakfast?!?!?  The Easter bunny was so kind as to messenger over Easter baskets from Kansas City and El Paso, specially prepared by BaBa and Grandma.  In addition to candy, Charlie scored a candy fan,  and a giggling chick, which led to the quote of the day when Charlie tickled the chick under it's wings: "It likes me!"

After church we all raced home to put the finishing touches on the "Our Little Orphan Easter," a gathering of some or our closest friends and neighbors, who like us, are unable to travel home for Easter for one reason or another.  We truly love sharing an afternoon of laughter, prayer, delicious food and eggs with our South Carolina family.

Just as the day was winding down and we were trying to convince Charlie that he needed something other than candy in his stomach, who should make an appearance in the neighborhood?  None other than the Easter Bunny, himself!  Apparently rather than kicking back with a margarita, he decided to make some very surprised and impressed kids' days with a tour through Reminisce.

While I have to admit that daily chores and responsibilities can push me to the point of frustration, when I sit back and truly consider the blessings in my life -- the practical and emotional, yes, but more importantly the foundational blessing of my salvation and my freedom to celebrate and share it with the people I love -- I am overwhelmed with gratitude and love.

Happy Easter!

He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.   Romans 4:25

"That Daddy airplane?"

"I got it"

Big Boys


Loving the buzzer!

"In there?"

"I get your nose!"

Happy Easter!

Handsome Boys

The gangs all here!

I see it!
