

Monday, April 4, 2011


Since he's walking (aka running), talking (constantly) and pretty much doing everything for ourself that a 2 year old could conceivably do (other than using the potty, of course), it has been quite a while since I've had any milestones to report.  Charlie is definitely learning and growing and changing everyday, but he's basically just becoming more boy, boy, boy -- until yesterday, that is.  Yesterday he showed signs of becoming a man.

The first may seem inconsequential, but since it took me 32 years and a ridiculous number of cavities (which my dentist and I BOTH blame on pregnancy) to make this a regular habit, I am proud to announce that Charlie flossed his teeth for the first time yesterday!  Granted, he and I both really just put the little flosser stick thing between his teeth a few times, but it's a start.  I honestly wouldn't have even tried, but my fabulous hygenist, Kelly, hooks me up with a new kiddie toothbrush at each of my visits and this time she gave me cute little flossers, too.  Just imagine the tartar, plaque and financial drain we can avoid if Charlie starts flossing at a young age!

Second and much more important to his physical, emotional, spiritual and eternal development, Charlie said his own prayer last night before bed.  As I've mentioned in the past, we say prayers before meals and before bed each day, and he is a big fan of the holding hands, dramatic head droop, and Southern "Amen", but in general Jason and I handle the actual prayers. 

Lately, Charlie's been chiming in though with theatrical repetion of the "Dear Lord" with which we typically start and a few phrases tossed in here and there from their lunchtime blessing at school.   Well, last night after listening to the entire Easter Story (and asking questions!), we asked Charlie if he was ready to say prayers, and he immediately launched into:

"God made the sun, God made the sea, God made me.  Thank you for the sun, thank you for the fishes, thank you for me! Aaaa-men!" -- a somewhat condensed version of the school blessing. 

Thrilled with mom and dad's obvious joy and pride, he continued, with what will probably be one of my favorite prayers of all time:

"God made the sun, God made the fishes, God made me.  Thank you for the sun, thank you for the fishes, thank you for me,  thank you for daddy, thank you for mommy, thank you for Otis, thank you for Louie! Amen!"

Yes, Jason and I were grinning at each other like fools and looking at Charlie as if he'd just cured cancer.  We know that like the flossing, Charlie's prayer was just a faint sketch of what true faith and understanding will be, but again it's a good start.  And so much more importantly, just imagine the doubt, depression and fear we can avoid if Charlie trusts in Jesus at a young age!

Finally, in addition to blessings too numerous and wonderful to count, we are celebrating the fact that tomorrow would have been my Grandma's 98th birthday.  Grandma died just over 6 years ago, so she never met our sweet Charlie, but I can just imagine her smirk if I'd told her about his prayer, followed by an amused smile of love when she turned to look at Charlie, who would likely have been reading her Little Golden Books or building mounds with the wonderful rocks around her big oak tree, before coming inside and begging for a big plate of Macaroni and Cheese.  I guess they'll just have to wait until heaven...

Grandma with another 2-year old who loved her to pieces