

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Let's Play!

Each day I am amazed by how much Charlie "does".  It's as if he went from being a baby to being a little boy over night. 

Like all "good" parents, we have purchased a ridiculous amount of toys to educate, entertain and challenge Charlie.  But, like all "good" babies, he would much prefer to play with the shutters, an empty cup or a remote control (as long as it does something -- he is not fooled by the old battery-less remote we gave him.)

Of course, lately Charlie's very favorite activity is to chase Otis around the house and "pet" him or feed him random things found on the floor.  Talk about a role reversal -- 9 months ago Otis couldn't get enough of Charlie, now he can't get away fast enough, unless of course Charlie is offering something particularly tasty.  This puppy love resulted in Charlie's first black eye following a head on collision with Otis' bone.  Naturally, I felt the need to offer a detailed explanation in line at Publix the next day, likely convincing the check out girl and bag boy that I had indeed beat my son...otherwise why would I be so defensive?!

A few weeks ago, Jason and I cleaned up the bonus room to create a real play room to contain Charlie's Christmas haul -- and boy was it worth it.  Any time we head up the steps to the the third floor Charlie starts running in our arms out of excitement (he hides his emotions about as well as his mom). 

Now after nap, after lunch, before dinner, after walk, before bed, etc. we form a family convoy up the stairs, close the door and Charlie is in hog heaven (definitely a play on one of his favorite toys -- his Fisher Price farm!). Out of necessity (of course) we got rid of the 13" TV that had been up there (well -- we at least got it to the back of the Yukon awaiting a trip to Goodwill) and moved the living room TV upstairs, replacing it with a new TV -- all for Charlie, of course -- so we can turn on the news, music videos or Say Yes to the Dress and play right along with him.

I had no idea how much Jason and I would love the new play room until the stomach flu struck last week.  First Donna got sick, so Charlie was home with me.  Next I got sick, but since it was Jason's first week of his new job I couldn't let him stay home (though the fact that he was able to go in a couple hours late and come home a couple hours early may have saved my life), so I had to figure out how to keep Charlie safe and entertained without expending any energy or making any sudden movements. 

Who knew that he would be so happy playing on and around me while I laid moaning on the floor?!  I apparently make a terrific jungle gym -- thank goodness!  The best part is that since we can close the door, and the room is virtually empty, Charlie is safe from the standard household dangers of stairs, cabinets, outlets, breakables, etc -- it's like safety heaven for moms.

Logically I know that all of the changes and developments in Charlie's personality and abilities have been gradual, but in truth, I can't believe that my 8 pound 1 oz baby is now a 22 lb little boy able to crawl, stand, cruise and laugh when the Fisher Price chicken lays her eggs...

My Goofy Face

Come on Ride the Train

Story Time

First Black Eye

Checking the Mail

Open, Closed, Open, Closed, Open, Closed...

10-4 Good Buddy

Hey, Dog-dog!