

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Learning the ropes

I never knew how early people picked up certain routines, customs and behaviors.  Since Charlie was a few weeks old he has habitually scratched his nose  (lucky kid inherited my itchy nose), raised his right eyebrow when he's curious and rubbed his little eyes when he's sleepy.   Jason and I have been suprised by how many actions are innate rather than learned.

Now that Charlie is 9 months, though, we're starting to establish some learned habits that could be with him for the rest of his life:
  • Brushing his teeth (better be!)
  • Playing the piano (could be?)
  • Snoring in church (uh-oh!)
I was horrified this past Thursday when I noticed that my perfect son's two perfect teeth had plaque on them!  I have to admit it -- it hadn't even crossed my mind to start brushing his teeth, and he's had them since August. 

I swung by Walmart Friday morning and picked up Charlie's first toothbrush and toothpaste just in time.  That afternon at his 9 month check-up the doctor asked me if I was brushing his teeth.  While I couldn't say "yes", I was able to tell her that I had purchased the tools and planned to start right away.  How embarrassing would it have been if I'd had to look at her in confusion and say "Oh, wow!  I hadn't thought of that yet"!

So, this morning I brushed his teeth for the first time (forgot yesterday) and it went fairly well -- though I'd love to see anyone who can brush those two tiny little teeth in a "repetitive circular motion" as instructed on the toothpaste tube.

Next up is Charlie's introduction to music theory -- also known as banging on the piano keys.  Mom and Dad brought out my Grandma's piano for us at Thanksgiving, and Jason had it tuned for me as an early Christmas gift.  Pretty much all I can play is a few Christmas Carols, but I love it -- and like it or not, Charlie will take at least one year of piano.  And who knows, maybe he'll be a virtuoso -- everyone was commenting on how long his fingers were when he was born...

The most distressing habit that Charlie has worked on this weekend is snoring during church.  Since he was three weeks old, I have delicately tucked (and/or stuffed) him into the sling to take his morning nap during church. 

Most weeks he will nap until at least 11:30 or so, allowing both Jason and I to listen to the service and preventing us from having to take him to the nursery.  To be clear, our church has a wonderful nursery staffed by wonderful people -- but with all of the H1N1 mess in the news I'm paranoid.

This morning I crammed Charlie into the sling (at least al but his right arm) and he went directly to sleep.  He slept peacefully through the Christmas hymns at the begninning of the service, but when we all sat down for the sermon he started to get a little noisy.  Apparently he was scrunched over a bit far, because he was snoring like a 5000 pound elephant.  It was hilarious.  I kept trying to shift him or adjust his head, but had little luck.  Thankfully all of the folks sitting near us adore the little stinker, but it was quite embarrasing. 

As far as this becoming a habit, I have no doubt that while he might get out an initial "zz-" in the future, he won't get any further before Jason or I pop him awake.

It's truly amazing to watch our little baby develop into a person with his own preferences, interests, abilities and quirks, and to know that things we do and decisions we make today may impact him for the rest of his life. 

Quiet... I'm practicing