

Friday, September 2, 2011

Everybody's doing it...except Charlie

It's no secret that potty training is on the horizon here for Charlie.  I've put it off for months using one extremely convincing reason or another, but next week we're going at it with a vengeance. 

I'm even taking Friday off work so we have three straight days to focus, reward, sit, pray, cry, etc -- whatever it takes!  That said, I'm not completely convinced that we are going to embark upon September 12 fully trained, but I am hopeful.

I had already committed myself to next weekend a few weeks ago, but the fact that Charlie's little friend, Trey, who just moved up to the two year old room this week is already using the potty, convinced me.  It's definitely time.

I realize that all kids are different and do things at different times, and it's possible that the part of Charlie's brain that is intended for potty training is busy hanging out with the verbal part of his brain because the kids can definitely talk, but I'm beginning to realize that there just might be more to this.

See, way back when Charlie started school at 15 months, I was thrilled to hear that once he moved into the 2 year old room, they would start potting training him for me.  I thought that with the repetition and the influence of all his other little friends who were using the potty, Charlie would pick it up in no time with no effort on my part.   It was going to be great.

I failed to take into consideration one minor factor, though...it appears that my son is completely indifferent to peer pressure.  Take this morning for example.  Today is "pajama day" at school.  Charlie's teachers, Jason and I have been raving all week about the fact that he'll get to wear his beloved pajamas to school -- any pair he wants. 

Last night after much dithering, he decided he would wear his dinosaurs to bed and his bicycles to school today, so this morning when I got him up and asked him if he was ready to change into his other jammies, what did he say? "I wear clothes to school."

So I reminded him that last night he'd decided to wear his bicycle jammies, and he responded, "I changed my mind."

Clearly this isn't a battle worth fighting, so I let Charlie pick out his "game shirt" (Gamecocks polo), and we went about our morning, but I stashed his jammies in his backpack, thinking that once he got to school he would feel left out.

In fact, when we walked into his classroom, I went so far as to point out that Hayden and Bryce were wearing Mickey Mouse jammies and Wyatt looked just like Buzz Lightyear.  Again, I asked Charlie if he'd like me to help him change, so he could be "just like his friends."

He looked at me like I was completely crazy, said "No," and ran off to read a book.  Sigh...

Deep down somewhere I am proud that Charlie knows his own mind and doesn't feel like he has to be just like everyone else, but it sure would have been nice for potty training.  Now my weapons of choice for next weekend are raspberry lemonade, stickers, M&Ms and a shiny new umbrella -- his current heart's desire.  Hmmm...maybe he's even smarter than I thought...

Update:  So, after bragging about my independent little boy in the blog, I picked him up at school this afternoon to find him happily see-sawing away in his jammies...seems he was convinced to change after I left.  Never fear though, now I'm just proud of him for being flexible!