

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Two Sundays ago at breakfast...

Charlie: Daddy!  Grandma comes today!
Mommy:  No, Baby.  Grandma comes Thursday, remember?
Charlie: But we're ready today!

And ready we were!  While Daddy was off watching cars drive in circles with his dad and uncles, Charlie and I had Grandma in town to spoil us rotten!

First, on Thursday night we took her to Mustard Seed and all indulged in "Chee" Lime Pie and Coconut cake.  Then Friday was beach day, where Grandma and Charlie made bucket after bucket of Clam Chowder while Mommy basked in the slightly overcast sun...bliss...

On Saturday we took Grandma to Bee City to visit our llama and rabbit friends, then she treated us to Duke's -- all the macaroni, pulled pork and pudding we could eat!

Saturday night Charlie had Miss Jennifer over to play and Grandma and I took a painting class at Bottles 'n Brushes.  Grandma is definitely the artist in the family...unless of course perspective is unnecessary...in that case I did ok.

Sunday was church, Five Guys, painting lessons for Charlie and proving to Grandma that Charlie's truck could go almost as fast as those NASCARs...and could even "get smoked" just like them.

We couldn't have asked for a more delightful weekend...and while we are very much looking forward to our trip to Texas in July when Daddy and Grandpa will be in on the fun, it was great to have Grandma to ourselves for a couple days!