

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Kindergarten Here We Come...

Ok, that's a bit premature, but as of today Charlie is showing signs of actually getting to go to Kindergarten when he's 5....he used the potty for the first time!

After 4 months of sitting on the potty 3 to 4 times a day with absolutely no progress, it feels like a miracle.  In fact, his afternoon teacher, Miss Chelsea, was so surprised when she read Charlie's sheet that she had to confirm with Miss Jesiray, one of his morning teachers.

The main event occurred at 10:30 this morning with no encores this afternoon, but we spent the early evening calling Daddy, Grandpa and BaBa and visiting Miss Donna, to share the exciting news with each of them, and we celebrated with Jell-O.

My plan has been to start pushing it a little harder when we get back from Virginia Beach at the end of July (who wants to deal with it on vacation?!?!)...who knows, maybe he's actually ready?

Sleepy Patriot

So far we're 0 and 3.  No matter what we do or how hard we try, Charlie may just be destined to never see fireworks on the 4th of July.

At 4 months old we were at Disney for an amazing Fireworks/Fire/Water extravaganza that left Jason and I deaf for days, but Charlie napped straight through.

[No pic, since Mom & Dad left the camera at Epcot...]

At 16 months we were on the beach at IOP with our St Louis family and Charlie peacefully napped as bombs bursted above his head.

At 28 months we floated in the middle of Charleston Harbor, rockets glaring red all around, and Charlie passed out in the nose of the boat...this year we even tried to wake him up multiple times, and nothing...

So, despite his appearance and overwhelming desire to do everything exactly the way Daddy does it, apparently he is a bit of a Mama's boy...

Thankfully, he had plenty of other chances to celebrate and even enjoy his first fireworks (well, poppers) over the holiday weekend. 

Driving to Chad & Corissa's

Bubbles with Hayden after Brennan & Grace's Wedding

"Calvin is My Buddy"

Dewees with Chad & Corrisa