

Monday, May 2, 2011

Mahi Hahi

It's no secret that Jason and I are continually looking for similarities between Charlie and ourselves.  Whether due to nature or nurture, we just love to see signs that he is "our" son. 

And if I'm honest, I probably look especially hard for my family's traits -- after all, with Charlie's striking resemblance to Jason and overwhelming desire to be exactly like Daddy, it's good for my ego to see little bits of me sprinkled in the mix.

So far, I think I can safely say that Charlie's love of reading comes from my side, and if you look at him at precisely the right angle, he might have my head shape (hey, it's something!).   And of course, like Mommy, Charlie wakes up at the crack of dawn laughing and ready for a big breakfast -- not so much Daddy habits.

As for his overwhelming silliness, I suppose it's up for grabs -- Jason and I are both total goofs.  It's going to be so much fun to watch him grow and develop and see other bits and pieces of Jason and me shine through.

Surprisingly, I was overjoyed this weekend to discover that Charlie has developed yet another distinctly Jason taste -- he loves fish!  Following Daddy's successful fishing trip on Saturday, we grilled chicken and Mahi Mahi -- or Mahi Hahi as Charlie calls it -- for dinner last night.  Charlie gobbled up over half of the Mahi that Jason had grilled -- having expected to have enough to take some for lunch this week!  At one point he even gave me back a piece of his chicken and asked for more Mahi!

I have to admit that the Mahi was so fresh that even I liked it, but I'm just not a seafood person.  I am thrilled to think that Charlie may grow up to love fish and seafood and all of these wonderfully healthy and readily available foods -- it will make dinner parties and fish fries so much more pleasant!

According to Jason, the next step is sushi, so they can enjoy their first Tuna while still on the boat -- oh the times ahead!

Hmmmm.... I try it....

I like it!