

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Hula Girls, KC Wolf and Snoopy...what more can you ask for?

Whew!  We've been back in Summerville for almost 60 hours and I finally feel like I'm catching my breath.

Last week was another whirlwind trip back home, and to be honest, I never feel like I do justice to our vacations on the blog -- probably because I don't.  We just manage to have far too much fun, see far too many people and hear Charlie say far too many funny things to remember them all, much less to type them all up.

Nevertheless, here are some of the Charlie's highlights:

He rode
  • The moving sidewalk at Midway
  • The Gator
  • The pink Explorer
  • A random bike-thing
  • The Allen's Pontoon
  • A Canoe
  • A Kayak
  • About 100 rides at Worlds of Fun
  • PaPa's Big Boat
  • About 5 rides at The Track in Branson
  • Daddy's Bass Boat

He charmed
  • Flight Attendants Galore
  • Emma, Mallory's friend, and the only person at BaBa's house not related to him
  • A group of about 8 pre-teen girls that he ran into in the parking area at the luau
  • Polynesian Dancers
  • Multiple Waitresses
  • A random girl on her way to Myrtle Beach via Charleston

He met
  • His new baby cousin, Parker
  • KC Wolf
  • Snoopy

He played with
  • Alexis, Mallory, Ellie, Tyler, Elizabeth, Landon, Parker, Kalani, Demetrius and Hayden (his Kansas City Cousins) and their friends
  • Random strangers he met in the sandbox and playhouse at the luau
  • Caleb, Logan, Will and Chandley (his Lee's Summit area honorary cousins)
  • Tyler, Lindsey, Brynn and Halley (his Branson area honorary cousins)
  • Tom & Abby (his Kansas honorary cousins)
So in essence, Charlie came, he saw, he conquered, then he flew home to pester Louie and Otis.  Needless to say, he had the time of his life and had he any understanding of time (currently everything that happened in the past was yesterday and anything in the future needs to be "this day" or it's not important), he would be counting the days to our next visit.