

Friday, November 27, 2009

Counting our Blessings

There is so much to love about Thanksgiving.  The obvious things:  family, food and the start of the Christmas season;  but beyond that, the opportunity to take a step back and truly realize how amazingly blessed we are each and every day.

We have been having so much fun with Charlie's first Thanksgiving week.  We spent Sunday downtown with Uncle Travis before he flew home, and met Kris, Stephanie and Korden for a wonderful pre-holiday brunch at Poogan's porch.  Grandma and Grandpa drove into town Tuesday and delivered the piano on which Charlie will someday suffer through his lessons and the dining room table at which he'll eat many, many, many more holiday and everyday meals -- both of which originally belonged to Charlie's Great-Grandma and already carry so many wonderful memories.

The festivities kicked of Wednesday with a BBQ lunch with Charlie's Uncle Chris, Aunt Chrissy and cousins, then a guy's night with Chad while Mommy and Daddy took Grandma and Grandpa to the Woodlands for an outstanding dinner.

Charlie made sure to wake us all up plenty early (aka 4:30) on Thursday morning to get the Turkey in the oven by 7 and watched his first Thanksgiving Day parade after his nap -- waking up just in time to see Santa.  Then he thoroughly enjoyed turkey, rolls, sweet potatoes, green beans, cinnamon apples and pink fluffy stuff before joining Daddy for a Thanksgiving nap.  Add to that pumpkin pie for dinner and Charlie definitely got a dose of the Thanksgiving spirit!

The highlight of the evening was the "official" lighting ceremony after dark to officially kick off the Christmas season.  We all oohed and aahed from across the street when Jason hit the switch. 

The best part of Friday was sleeping in to 7:15!  Charlie must have taken pity on his poor, sleepy parents.  So, we of course rewarded him accordingly with Aunt Chrissy's homemade pumpkin bread and pink fluffy stuff for breakfast.  I'm not sure what's going to happen when we go back to oatmeal and orange slices.

2009 has brought Jason and I so much joy and hope and growth.  Charlie's birth was the most precious experience of our lives and watching him grow and mature has been nothing short of amazing.  This year we've also found a church home here in Charleston, learned to understand and appreciate the value of my work situation, and been blessed with many visits from friends and family.  If I believed in luck, I'd have to say we're the luckiest people in the world.  Instead, I believe that God has chosen to shower us with incredible blessings, and I can only pray that we find the will and the opportunity to pass them on to our family, friends and neighbors.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Brunch with Korden, Uncle Travis, Kris and Stephanie

Don't even think about touching my pie.

The lighting ceremony