

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Such A "More-Nice" Thanksgiving

What a wonderful Thanksgiving, or as Charlie would say, "more-nice."  As his vocabulary increases, Charlie is coining new phrases every day.  The latest "Charlie-ism" is "more nice," which he used to refer to how much fun he had at the park and to Mom's neighbor, Ms. Jean. 

In fact, our entire weekend was "more nice" from start to finish.  The actual travel was uneventful (yeah!) and the time in El Paso with "Gamma," "Gampaw," "An-Angh" and "Bih" was jam-packed with "more-nice" events:

Hide and seek with Gampaw

Practicing for a career as a fireman

Jumping around with Gamma


Playing with An-Angh


Coloring with An-Angh

Snowman Cookies

Even Gampaw got into the act!


Setting up the Nativity 

Enjoying the Classics with An-Angh

Mastering Hide and Seek
