

Friday, March 4, 2011


Despite whimpers of "Don't want go 'cool, Mama," and "Don't like big boy class", we are making progress. 

Following some stealthy interrogation, Jason and I believe Charlie's biggest concern with his new class is the potty.  He doesn't like it.  He's not afraid of it, but he's perfectly happy in his diapers.  This comes as no surprise, as at 23 3/4 months he's also perfectly happy in his crib -- as in he has never tried to get out and we are pretty sure it hasn't even crossed his mind.  So yes, Grandma is right, despite outward appearances, in some ways Charlie is just like Mommy.  We like routine.  We like things that work for us.   We see no reason to make changes when things are working...

I vividly remember crying to my mom in the kitchen that, "I [wanted] to go home" for months after our move across town when I was eight.  I also remember sobbing in my room the semester that all my coworkers went overseas, started internships or graduated, and I was left at my college job "alone".  Then there was the day that my temp job at Sprint Publishing ended (at least temporarily, which I didn't know at the time), and I walked to my car barely holding back tears, because in my nine weeks as Senior Secretary to the IS department, I had made myself at home (interesting point, Jason hadn't even started yet, so it was actually the job and other people I was going to miss!)

So...it looks like Charlie might be plagued for life with this particular form of stubbornness/sentimentality/fear of change.  Obviously, I survived all of these changes and presumably learned from them, and I'm sure Charlie will do the same -- I just hate the fact that he has to suffer in the meantime.

Did I mention that as of Monday he'll be in pull-ups and forgoing the sippy cup?  All of that in addition to a new classroom, new snacktime and four new teachers.  This is some serious upheaval for my little man -- plus he's expected to go to the bathroom out of the safe, warm comfort of his diaper -- are we crazy?

Believe it or not, the "progress" I mentioned in the title isn't just in my understanding of his situation and the resulting empathy...he's doing better!  He hasn't cried since Tuesday and this morning I think we had something of a breakthrough.  I dropped him off in the toddler class, and like most days, his class was outside playing, so after hanging up his back and putting away his cup, we headed into the hall towards the playground...but Charlie turned left and walked to the Big Boy Class!

To clarify, I asked if he wanted to go outside or into the Big Boy Class, and he assured me that he was heading in his direction of choice.  So, we went in.

Miss Brittany and Miss Brittany (gotta love that!) were thrilled to see him, and Marley, Miles, Karleigh, Vivi and Andy all came running up to welcome him.  While he didn't immediately join in the dancing and laughing, he didn't cry -- and by the time I walked by after notifying Miss Jo-Jo and Miss Amanda that Charlie was in the other room, he was tentatively participating in bubbles. Progress!

Monday will still be rough (on both of us), but we'll make it through the first of a lifetime of transitions and changes and upheavals.  I'm just grateful that I get to help him through this one, and just maybe, by the time his baby moves up to the Big Boy class, he'll take it in stride -- after all, we're supposed to raise them to be better than us, right?

Hats are the new "must-have" fashion accessory at our house...

Even Mom's getting in on the act!