

Friday, January 23, 2009

January 23, 2009

It's been a very busy week.  We spent most of last weekend running errands, but we accomplished a lot.  We stocked up on things for you and some clothes for Daddy.  Then on Monday we found shelves and a toybox for your room.  Daddy's going to wait to paint or stain them until we know if you are a boy or a girl.  My gut instinct is that you are a girl.  Daddy feels like you are a boy.  We'll know for sure in just about 7 weeks.

On Tuesday our refrigerator broke, so we spent much of Wednesday finding a good deal on a new one.  It will be delivered tomorrow.  It really will be nice to have more room once you start eating solid foods, and I'm sure we'll be happy to have some of these large purchases out of the way before you get here.

Yesterday was Daddy's 32nd birthday!  We can't believe that you'll be almost a year old when he turns 33.  I met him and his friends for lunch, then Daddy and I had a very nice dinner just the two of us.  We're going to do his birthday cake this weekend with some neighbors -- but I'm not sure what Daddy will wish for.  With you coming so soon, it seems that all of our wishes have already come true.