

Monday, April 16, 2012

Alive and kicking...(literally)

As a few readers may have noticed, it's been quite a while since I've posted a Charlie update.  Never fear -- he is as healthy as a horse (well...as far as we can tell, at least...we actually missed his 3 year check-up and decided to forgo it since he wasn't going to get any shots, he's roughly the height of his friends and he's clearly smarter than Jason or me.  We took all that to mean he's fine).

So why the silence?  Well, to be frank, we're in the midst of a war -- not a battle of wills this time, but a full out war.  In fact, to return to the horse metaphor, it feels like Jason and I have been charged with taking a wild horse and breaking him for show...and we are flat out exhausted.

Yes, we still adore Charlie so much it makes our hearts hurt from time to time, but his stubborn little spirit just might be the death of us.  I'm not talking about a sassy word here or there, a sprinkling of "Nos" through the week or even a random bout of tears.  I am talking about an angelic looking three year old who will burst into tears and start throwing punches at the first sign of the word "No."

In truth, Charlie has always been a bit stubborn like his Mommy and easily frustrated like his Daddy, but the past few weeks have been mentally, physically and emotionally exhausting for all three of us.

I truly believe that the root of the problem lies in a combination of the greater sense of self he seemed to develop the instant he turned three with our stricter expectations upon realizing just how much he does understand. 

That said,we know in our hearts that the only way we'll get through this is to maintain a united, consistent front, refuse to compromise on the critical issues (No back talk, No hitting,  No spitting, No bad words, Do your chores, Treat everyone with love),  pick our battles (if we're not willing to ruin the next 20 minutes for something, don't even go there) and most importantly, pray.

Still though, there has been more than one instance in which Jason and I have been ready to just give in and let Charlie be a sassy little spoiled brat.  Honestly, it would be so much easier to just let him have his way...

But relax, Mom and Dad, we haven't caved in yet and don't intend to for two primary reasons.
  1. The Selfish Reason: In the event that Charlie remains an only child, Jason's and my pride couldn't handle being the parents of the stereotypical only child who treats his parents like dirt and annoys everyone else who comes in contact with him.
  2. The Good Reason: If Charlie never learns to submit to authority, not only will his life be difficult, but he will struggle to ever truly put his faith in God through Jesus Christ, because if he can't accept authority, he can't accept that alone he has no hope and his only hope is in the realization that God is sovereign, Charlie is a sinner and Charlie's only hope is in accepting God's authority and trusting in His Son for salvation.

So....clearly giving up isn't an optin, and while each day is something of a minefield, we still have wonderfully fun moments together full of laughter, hugs and love.  And of course, Charlie is still the cutest, sweetest, most wonderful thing that's ever happened to us.

But please pray for me and Jason that we may maintain our high expectations of Charlie, but temper them with patience, mercy and love...after all, over dinner the other night (while trying to ignore shrieks of "I hate tomatoes!  They are disgusting!") Jason and I realized together that our own stubbornness, temper tantrums and selfishness certainly frustrate and disappointment God more than Charlie ever could us...

Some recent fun...

Dying Eggs with Daddy

Our Little Rockstar

"I Survived Soccer" Party with Philip and friends

Tractor Rides with Carter

No hard hats at the table!