

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

We're Doomed...

Context:  To my knowledge, prior to yesterday Charlie had cried 3 times at school (not counting a few random tears at drop-off time early on). 
  1. About 4 months after he started, I picked him up one afternoon and he promptly filled his pants.  He was going through an anti-diaper changing period at the time and he cried while I changed him in the classroom -- to the absolute shock of his teachers.  They had never heard him cry before!
  2. During the transition to the 2 year old room this spring, he burst into tears after Miss Brenda took him outside to play with the big kids.  Stunned, she promptly took him back to the toddler room.
  3. A couple months ago one of his teachers reprimanded him for something, and his lip began to quiver.  Immediately she apologized and gave him a hug. (LOL!)
Well, when I picked Charlie up from school yesterday, Nikita had quite the tale to tell while he finished his caterpillar.  Apparently, Charlie and his little friend Robert had been banging on the table earlier that morning when it was not table time.  Brittany B. came over and looked them in the eyes and told them both to stop banging and start listening. 

Now, to be clear, Jason and I tell Charlie to stop doing random things hundreds of times a day, often-times accompanied by a stern look, sometimes accompanied by a spanking...  This is not new or scary or unusal for him, but I digress.

Back to the incident, Charlie's lip immediately began to quiver again, and this time he burst into tears!  Apparently, Nikita came over and started to reprimand Brittany B, who was already feeling terrible.  In fact, she felt so bad that she went out to her car to find a quarter and took Charlie to the candy machine for a handfull of jelly beans!

I have to admit that I am completely torn about the whole thing.  My initial reaction is to thank God that Charlie has teachers that love him enough to react this way.  Next I have to wonder how in the world he can be such an angel at school when he's so ornery at home.  Then I am grateful that if he is going to have this split personality, at least he's good in public.  Finally, though, I realize that Jason and I are completely doomed...if Charlie can play the system this well at two, we don't have a chance!