

Thursday, March 17, 2011

24 Months...

Or according to Jason, "2 years."  I'm not longer allowed to refer to Charlie in months...sigh...

Anyway, we had Charlie's 2 year check-up yesterday, so I have updates -- shockingly though, I found out that barring illness, we won't be back to Sweetgrass Pediatrics until next March.  That's right...my baby that went to the doctor every week, then every two weeks, then every couple months is not required to return for an entire year!

To be honest, I'm not all that concerned with him not seeing them, but I'm really surprised that they don't want to see him more often.  After all, name another child that actually thanks the nurse after she gives him his shot!  Or upon opening his mouth and saying ahhh, looks at the doctor and says, "I did it myself."  I'm mildly surprised that they don't ask him to come back weekly just to enjoy him (and yes I'm kidding...well, mostly...)

So, here we go:

 - Weight - 30 lbs 0 oz (75th percentile) -- mmmm....cake!
 - Height - 36 inches (90th percentile) -- still not sure where this heighth is coming from...
 - Head - 49.5 cm (75th percentile) -- slowly losing the bobble-head look...
 - Dr. French's comments:  "You look perfectly healthy!"; "What a sweet boy!"
 - Teeth - stopped counting long ago, but seems to have everything but the canines from the looks of it
 - Hair - Dark blonde -- we're hoping a summer on the boat, at the pool and on the swings will brighten it back up for at least another year.  Until it's officially brown, we're going for the "Carolina" look with trimmed back and sides but floppy top...it goes with his boat shoes and polo shirts.
 - Birthmarks - Stork bites are very faint on his neck.  Freckle high above right eye hasn't grown or darkened.  Potato birthmark on left shin the same.
 - Naps - Post lunch nap usually 90 minutes to 2 hours.  He doesn't always want to go down, but you can actually reason with him now!
 - Bedtime - Pre Daylight savings it was 7:00 to 7:30; right now it's about 8:00, which we'd love to maintain, but I will be surprised if he doesn't pull it back himself.
 - Waketime - Pre Daylight savings it was 6:00 to 6:30; right now he's making it to 7:15 or even later, but again, I expect it to start edging back.
 - Favorite Foods - Just about everything.  Pancakes are still number one -- especially when accompanied by sausage and orange juice (our Saturday standard), but oatmeal with cinnamon, bananas and strawberries is a close second.  He's doing much better with meat -- even off the bone, and even ate some lettuce the other night.  And while I'm not sure it counts as "food", he is obsessed with candy.  Since Halloween he begs for it constantly, especially Tootsie Rolls and Gummie Bears.
 - Favorite Song - Toes by the Zac Brown Band, which he requests by asking for "ZBB"; also loves to sing Twinkle-Twinkle to himself in his crib and have Mommy and Daddy sing "Great Big Hairy Spider," "Buckle My Shoe" and "Bushel and Peck".
 - Favorite Dance - Definitely dancing less, but adores "Pockafoozie" and his new "Shake a Leg" dance in his Grover book.
 - Favorite Toys - Desk, phone, truck, scooter, swingset, lawn mower, weed eater, etc -- basically anything he can use to pretend to be an adult, and his blocks that he and Daddy use to build houses and then demolish them.
 - Favorite Game - Anything using his imagination to pretend. He is constantly telling us what he's doing, where he's going, etc -- yesterday a wood chip was a "mint" that he needed for his "coffee breath"!
 - Interests - Trucks, firetrucks, keys, boats, books, phones, Big Bird
 - Recent milestones -
     - Speaking in paragraphs (per nurse he should be saying 50 words and using 2 word sentences...that was about 9 months ago...)
     - Saying "Yes, Ma'am" and asking for things with "May I please have.." -- love it!
     - Watching up to 5 minutes of TV (Sesame Street) at a stretch
     - Really, he's just a little boy now.  He basically acts just like a mini-Jason...
 - Imminent milestones -
     - Starting potty training
     - Will likely move to a big boy bed sometime in the next 6 months...though he is perfectly happy in his crib
 - Best Friends - Ret, Reed, Callie & Noel (from neighborhood), Philip (from church), Aaron, Bryce, Hayden (from school), and of course, Youie.
 - Hero - Daddy, Dad or Pop -- depending on his mood
 - Personality -
     - Silly - He loves to make you laugh and then will say "I bein' silly!"
     - Active - He only sits still when eating...otherwise he's 100 mph climbing, running, jumping, dancing...
     - Curious - The questions have begun.  He wants to know what everything is and where everything is that isn't right in front of him (we take regular roll-calls of everyone we've ever met and endlessly discuss what happened to the tractor from the vacant lot, the boat that used to be for sale on the way to school and whether or not the firetruck doors will be open or closed every time we drive by).
     - Joyful - Charlie is joy in human form.  He has his difficult moments, but in general always smiling, laughing, singing, chatting and loving everyone around him.
     - Loving - While still not a "cuddly" child, Charlie loves his friends, his grandparents, his puppies, his neighbors, his teachers, his babysitter and his Mommy and Daddy.  He likes to give bear hugs and smacking kisses...the sweetest kind!
  - Overall diagnosis: Perfect.  What can I say?  Charlie is cuter, sweeter, smarter, sillier and more fun than we ever dreamed a child could be.  He is our absolute delight!

Enjoying his Post-Shot Shake

Hauling his brand new scooter (reverse is by far his preferred direction)

Ready to Scoot!