

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Like Mother Like Son?

It's no secret that I'm a bit of a "nerd".  My favorite game is Trivial Pursuit.  My favorite hobby is reading.  My favorite TV channel is the History channel. So, yes, I'm a nerd.

And to be honest, it's been kind of fun for me to see some of these same "bookish" traits start to develop in Charlie, but this past weekend was a pretty strong lesson along the lines of "be careful what you wish for..."

So, with Spring having sprung a bit early here in SC, Jason hit the harbor for sheepshead this Saturday and I took Charlie to his first official soccer game solo.  We were the first ones there (again, a bit of my nerdiness), and Charlie had a ball running around the field scoring goals by himself and then with his good friend Landon.

Everything was going well as the rest of the team arrived and the game started.  Yes, Charlie did seem to be following Addison around the field a bit more than the ball, but he was on the field and moving (most of the time). 

Then, since it's 4 on 4 soccer, Charlie was subbed out for a teammate and he enjoyed his break on the sidelines.  In fact, he enjoyed it so much that he refused to be subbed back in. 

I tried to be stern and convince him to go back in, but that resulted in him running across the middle of the field mid-game towards the playground equipment...with me trailing behind him.  Three times.

After the second time I put him in time out and threatened to cancel our promised trip to the library if he did it again.  He did it again, so I told him we were no longer going to the library, therein leading to quite possibly the most amusing and most embarrasing moment of my adult life.  Wallowing in the muddy sidelines, my son wailed, "Nooooooo!  I want to go the LIBARY!"  Over and over again...

Thankfully, my fellow parents were dealing with would-be players who were playing in the dirt, watching airplanes and picking flowers, so while amused, they could picture themselves in my shoes and I received plenty of compassion.

Nonetheless, I fully plan on bringing this up at opportune moments over the next 30 years...just for fun!

Having a Ball

On the Field!

Time Out

Miraculously, he did make it back to the field for one last play