

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

March 24, 2009

Now that you're here, Charlie, it's increasingly hard to find time to journal.  So much has happend over hte past 11 days. 

BaBa and PaPa arrived on the 12th and fell immediately in love with you.  On Saturday the 14th, Daddy went with them to Babies R Us to buy you some boy clothes -- and came back with three huge shopping bags full of clothes and baby gear.  They had so much fun. 

Saturday evening wasn't nearly as fun, though.  You went on a hunger strike that lasted from about 3 in the afternoon until 3 in the morning.  Mommy, Daddy and BaBa were beside ourselves trying to figure out what to do.  I was so relieved when you finally ate, but the relief was short-lived.  After the 3 AM feeding you wouldn't eat again.

We spent much of Sunday morning on the phone with the nurses hotline and finally resorted to pumping and feeding you a bottle around noon.  You started eating again that evening, but Daddy and I went ahead and met with a lactation consultant Monday morning.  Miss Pam helped us resolve some latching issues and helped me to relax.  We've been consistently improving since then.

Tuesday we had your first doctor's appointment.  It went very well.  Dr. Tripp said that you were "perfect."  We have another appointment this Thursday to make sure you're gaining weight.  I'm confident that it will go well with how you've been eating.

On Wednesday we went to a breastfeeding support group held by Miss Pam and discovered that you were eating about 1 1/2 ounces at a time, which is great.  We go back again tomorrow, and I think you will be up to 2 1/2 ounces. 

After group we drove down to Isle of Palms with Daddy, BaBa and PaPa.  BaBa and PaPa are considering taking their family vacation here in Charleston this summer and renting a beach house.   After that you had your first meal at Poe's on Sullivan's Island (one of Mommy & Daddy's favorites) then we were off to the airport to pick up Aunt Ashley. 

She is expecting her first baby in the fall, so you should have a cousin very close to your age -- or maybe two.  Aunt Ashley is pretty nervous that she may be having twins.

We spent Thrusday relaxing -- which was much needed.  You and I are supposed to be taking it easy.

Then Friday we went to the Outlet Mall and bought you a few more cute clothes.  You are pretty well set until you are 9 months old or so.

Saturday we relaxed again and tried to get you some extra time with BaBa and PaPa, because they had to leave for home early Sunday morning.  We spent he rest of the day relaxing with Daddy and Aunt Ashley.

Monday Daddy had to go back to work, so we met him for lunch.  Then we took Aunt Ashley down to the two Baby Bloomers stores in Mt. Pleasant.  It's hard to believe that last fall we were just planning and dreaming and picking out furniture and now you're here!

After we dropped Aunt Ashley off at the airport, we came home and had dinner just the three of us.  It was strange, but nice.  I suppose we'll start getting into a routine.

Today was our first day just the two of us.  We went for a nice walk in your Baby Bjorn and played in your Baby Gym. 

My project for the week is to get you to go down for a nap in your crib, cradle or pack n play without too much crying.  It's very hard to leave you and let you cry yourself to sleep, but it's supposed to be the best thing for you in the long run.   We'll just have to see how I do with some time.

You barely slept at all after your noon feeding, so you were exhausted after your 3:00 and went right to sleep...not sure exactly what this will mean for tonight...

Meeting BaBa

Snuggles with PaPa

First Bath 

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

First Smile

Meeting Aunt Ashley

Swingin' Around

Quality time with BaBa

Our Little Gnome

In Love!