

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

November 11, 2008

We had your 22 week appointment yesterday.  It is always so much fun to hear your heartbeat.  yesterday it was 156 and very strong.  Grandma is in town, so she was able to come along and hear it too. 

She is here because your cousin, Camden, was born on Friday.  You and he will be very close in age which should be a lot of fun.

Grandpa gets in tomorrow night.  Right now they live in Texas, but they hope to move this direction sometime in the next few years.

My work travel has slowed way down compared to the last few weeks, but we'll be going to Canada in December and possibly North Carolina.  Then we get to go to Kansas City for Christmas and have your first baby shower. 

Your aunts Tara & Erin, great-aunt Shery and Nanie are throwing it for you -- just the first of many, many celebrations in your honor.  You'll soon learn that your mommy loves birthdays and holidays.  I just love to celebrate the blessings in our lives.