

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

And so it begins...

It all started with a stick obsession.  About two weeks ago, Charlie added sticks to his required hunting/gathering routine on the way out of school each day.  First it was pine straw, then "flowers" (aka weeds), now sticks...all to go with the woodchips he gathers in his shoes, diaper, neck creases, etc.

At first the sticks were multi-purpose -- accompanied with a "psh, psh, psh" sound, he was putting sunscreen on me; struck together, he was a musician, etc...  Then out of the blue one day he held them up and asked "I go fish in pond?"  When I say "out of the blue," it's not as if he doesn't see the pond and people fishing in it daily, or as if our garage isn't stocked full of fishing poles and gear, but he's just never shown much of an interest, until now.

Of course, my immediate response was, "Ask your Daddy when he gets home."  Due to a runny nose/sore throat epidemic which resulted in a VERY grumpy little boy, a fabulous weekend with Lakely & family and other activities, Charlie didn't ask again until Sunday when Mommy was upstairs in bed, convinced that she was dying of her sore throat and congestion.  (I've said it before and I'll say it again, I am nowhere near as resilient as Charlie!)

The boys spent about 30 minutes by the pond, which is approximately 12 hours in 2 year old time.  Jason was thrilled with Charlie's ability to sit and watch the bobber (aka "ball"), keep his balance by the shore, and most importantly, thoroughly enjoy the experience despite the lack of action.  Overall, it was a perfect experience.

Later that evening, Jason told me that he had promised himself to wait until Charlie asked to fish, rather than encourage or coerce him into the hobby.   As much as he dearly hopes to have his first mate living down the hall, the last thing he wants is to force it, but from the look on his face, it was a long two year wait.  I am so proud of him and thrilled for them both. 

Quick warning to friends and family: within a few years I am going to be free just about every Saturday and looking for people to entertain me, while my boys are off fishing the gulf stream...

 Practicing for "the big one"

Working on his form

Proud Papa

Lakely, Lakely, Lakely

Really, the title says it all.  Charlie had so much fun with Lakely this past weekend...despite being a grumpy, disobedient mess part of the time.  All he could talk about before she and her Mommy arrived was Lakely, and all he's done since they left is ask "Where Mrs. Lea?  Where Mr. Tony?" and remind us that "Lakely borrow my book!"

It is so exciting to see him start playing "with" other kids, not just alongside them -- and even better to watch his and Lakely's friendship grow -- she was after all, a charter member of Charlie's Angels!  And watching them together makes it obvious that no matter how tough Lakely is or how much Charlie loves pink, she is all girl and he is all boy and the differences are hilarious!

We're already excited about our trip to VA Beach in July!

Friendly Teamwork

"What does she think she's doing?"

Living it Up with the Good Friends

Very Best Friends