

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Well I'm not technically overwhelmed, but I'm definitely not underwhelmed, so  I guess I'm "whelmed".  I don't suppose this year the holidays are any busier than any other year -- there's just less time to spend cleaning and planning and more time to spend playing and laughing.

I've learned a few key lessons this week.  One - chewing on black construction paper will stain a baby's mouth making him look Goth.  Two - even after almost nine months, a formerly spoiled dog can act out by using the recently cleaned carpet as a bathroom.  Three - only the best husband in the world would surprise me with a massage on Saturday afternoon, while he stays at home to wait for the new washer and dryer and deal with the dreaded afternoon nap (and yes I am totally bragging!)

Car troubles, a broken washing machine, a passive agressive dog, crazy work schedules, and 100 unaddressed Christmas cards notwithstanding, life is good, and we are looking forward to the best Christmas season ever!

Goth Baby
(I swear it was almost black in person)