

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Reunited and it feels so good!

Charlie greeted his long-distance girlfriend, Lakely, on Thursday with a warm "Hewow" then promptly stole her pink princess suitcase before giving her a ride in his wagon and showing her the gutter where he likes to play.  Lakely, on the other hand, made sure that Charlie properly admired her bracelet and boots before accepting a ride.  It was fabulous!

I don't think you could find a more "boy" boy or more "girl" girl if you tried.  Breakfast was a perfect example.  Charlie scarfed down 4 blueberry pancakes Saturday morning while Lakely took dainty bites to finish about 1 1/2. 

In fact, mealtime was about the only thing Charlie and Lakely did together.  They mainly played alongside each other all weekend -- when Charlie wasn't swiping whatever toy held Lakely's interest at the moment. I think that the only thing he willingly shared was a case of the sniffles, that unfortunately kept Lakely from attending the Reuber Halloween bash.  Charlie and I were able to go for a bit -- spending the majority of the time beating up the zombies in the front yard --, and Lea made an appearance after we came home, but Lakely got some much needed beauty sleep, instead.

Despite some stuffy noses and a few tears, it was a fabulous weekend, and Jason and I can't wait for them to return (hopefully with Tony this time!).  In fact, I'm convinced that in another year Charlie and Lakely will truly enjoy playing together, in another 7 years they will enjoy teasing each other and in 14 years we will just have to make sure they don't enjoy each other too much!

All aboard!

Mmmm...blueberry pancakes!

Did I drop this?


Getting a little sleepy...