

Monday, January 9, 2012

Difference of opinion...

I have realized that I really don't like maintenance of any kind:  car maintenance, home maintenance, personal maintenance, etc.  I think my tires should last forever, paint shouldn't chip and my hair just shouldn't get ratty at the ends no matter how long I wait between cuts...  I think that we should be able to do things once and be done.

Clearly, what I think doesn't matter, but I believe that this theory of mine somewhat explains the near despair I was in yesterday morning when Jason and I realized that something was leaking somewhere because the carpet at the door of our bathroom was soaked and a spot was growing by the second in the living room ceiling.  Ughhh...

I know that in the scope of disasters, this is small-scale, but it honestly ruined my whole morning.  Once we'd turned the water off, we pretty much just left the dishes in the sink, thanked God that we'd found the leak after our showers and headed off to church...and I was quietly hoping that we'd get home and find it had all been a nightmare.

Having delayed as long as possible over lunch, we finally returned home, put Charlie down for his nap and Jason got to work.  At this point I was convinced we were going to be cutting huge holes in both the ceiling and the floor, both of which would bring huge bills and huge pains in my neck.

Since Jason and I are much like other married couples in that "projects" tend to be best handled by one or the other of us, I quietly read on the couch while he pondered and banged and peered and wondered upstairs.  Finally, hopeful that the leak was not in fact in the floor, he told me that he would be cutting a hole in the wall.  Preferring this to the floor or ceiling, I cheered him on and turned the page...then I heard Charlie calling from his room (and yes, we are so amazingly blessed that he still waits for us to come get him out of his big boy bed!)

So I walked in, opened his shutters and watched him slowly come around.  Then I asked him, "Hey buddy, do you want to watch Daddy cut a whole in the wall?"

Charlie's eyes rounded to the size of dinner plates, "What, Mommy?"

"Daddy's going to cut a hole in the wall...do you want to watch?"

"Oh, yes, Mommy!  I do!" he shouted, scrambling off the bed and racing into our room.

Over the next half hour Jason found the leak and confirmed that Charlie's love for playing in our tub and pulling up the stopper was the culprit, all the while serenaded with the chants, "This is so cool, Daddy.  What you doing, Daddy?  This is so cool!"

This morning I am thankful for a very handy husband and praying that nothing new happens to entertain our son anytime soon...

Let me see!

This is so cool, Daddy!