

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Word Games

Old News:  Regis Philbin is retiring this summer
Breaking News:  Charlie is intensively training to take over as host of "Live"

Back in late August when Charlie's vocabulary exploded, Jason and I teased that he was going to be a politician or a talk show host.  Well, it looks like everything's coming together for him to have his own morning show at 2 years old.  The kid is cracking us up -- complete sentences are old news.  He now likes to start conversations with strangers, to talk in paragraphs, and will do almost anything to get a laugh.

We're celebrating Jason's birthday with friends this Friday night by going to an Improv show downtown...if it didn't start at 9:00, we would probably take Charlie and let him try out his routine...he'd bring down the house.

Some of his latest and greatest in context:

"He woofening" - announced anytime a dog barks (live or on TV)

"Mama cookening" - given as play-by-play while I make his oatmeal or toast in the mornings

"How  'bout..." - repeated over and over with his fist to his chin and his index finger stroking his cheek, while he painstakingly picks and chooses the five crayons or five play-doh tools that he gets to use.  Saturday night at Chad and Corrisa's he did this so long that he never even colored!

"Could be Daddy" - any time any phone rings anywhere...even if Daddy is the one who answers it

"Cuppa Minute, Youie" - stated while holding out a hand in the "wait" position when Louie wants out of his kennel, but Charlie is busy gathering Daddy's input regarding which shirt he should wear, the Otis shirt, the blue airplane shirt or the white airplane shirt

"Youie, be wight back" - promised anytime he happens to be leaving a four foot radius around Louie

"I caywee you" - offered when I'm carrying Louie down the stairs in my left arm and Charlie wants to ride in my right arm, followed by "I caywee Youie" and "It ok, Youie" as soon as I scoop him up

"Great bite" or "Great bus" or "Great book" or "Great truck" - used in place of big (must be my Spanish literature background...grande?)

"I fast" - screamed after tucking his hands up under his armpits in preparation to run

"I no fit, Mama" - asserted when told to climb in his carseat yesterday afternoon, following a conversation in which I had told him he looked like he'd grown two inches during the day

"It's flying up high" - shouted while holding his peanut butter toast above his head prior to swooping it into his mouth

"The girls" - used as an answer to the question "Who are you going to see at school today?" after he's listed his teachers, i.e. Miss Jo-Jo, Miss Manda, Miss Bwendah, Miss Janet and "the girls"

And some of the not so greatest:

"Oh my goooosh!" - repeated over and over and over again the past couple of days, because Mommy obviously says it far too often -- ostensibly harmless coming from a 33 year old, but exposed as a useless and somewhat vulgar phrase when coming from a 22 month old

"Damnit" - oh yes, it happened.  Following Louie's millionth accident, Daddy let it slip the other day...luckily it didn't make too much of an impression and has been dropped

And, my all time favorite, a recent discussion on the way home from school:

Charlie: Jack n Jill, Jack n Jill, Jack n Jill...
Mommy: Where did Jack and Jill go?
Charlie: I don't know
Mommy:  Did they go up?
Charlie: Yes
Mommy: Where did they go up?
Charlie: Jack n Jill up the ladder
Mommy: The ladder?
Charlie:  Yeah.
Mommy: Why did Jack and Jill go up the ladder
Charlie:  To get a drink


Recognizing the importance of versatility, Charlie is also working on his physical comedy:

I sit top, Mama!

I ride!

I seeping, Youie.