

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Six Month Milestone

It's official.  Charlie had his 6 month appointment this morning, and Dr. Tripp confirmed that he is perfect. 

He was a trooper despite a ridiculously long wait due to computer issues, and he stopped crying fairly easily after his shots.  I went ahead and got the flu shot while we were there, and if his leg aches as much as my arm, he's going to be pretty fussy when he wakes up.  He always gets over his shots very quickly, so I haven't been too sympathetic in the past.  Hopefully I'm just a wimp, and he won't be as achey.

But, on to more fun stuff -- The Charlie Update!  Since 6 months is such a big milestone, I decided it would be appropriate to give a rundown of his measurements, characteristics, abilities, etc.  So here goes:

As of 9/11/09:
  • Weight - 17 lbs. 3 oz (50th percentile)
  • Length - 27 inches (75th percentile!)
  • Head - 44 cm (50th percentile)
  • Teeth - 1 (bottom left)
  • Hair - Minimal, but lots more than even a month ago
  • Birthmarks - Stork bites on back of neck, possibly a potato shaped birthmark on left shin
  • Naps - 2 per day (sometimes 3, but seldom)
  • Bedtime - 8:00
  • Waketime - 6:30
  • Favorite Food - Milk ;o) (we're starting rice cereal tonight)
  • Favorite Song - Old MacDonald (If anyone knows what noise a turtle makes, we'd love to add it to our repertoire.  Our farm currently has a horse, a cow, a donkey, a bull, a rooster, a hen, a chick, a pig, a dog, a cat, a rabbit, a mouse, a sheep, a goat, a bumble bee, a bird, a dove, an owl, a turkey, a duck, a frog, a fish, and a snake -- and on our farm the sound for snakes is the "bang-bang" of a shotgun!)
  • Favorite Dance - The Hokey Pokey
  • Favorite Toys - Ollie & Taggy
  • Favorite Game - Peek-a-Boo
  • Recent milestones

    • First tooth
    • Sitting up
    • Army crawl
    • Random regular crawl
    • Petting Otis
    • Taking toys out of box

  • Imminent milestones

    • Solid food
    • Second tooth
    • Consistent regular crawl

  • Hero: Daddy
  • Personality

    • Goofy - always smiling and laughing unless it's naptime or mom & dad have paid for professional pictures
    • Deliberate - he sees something he wants and goes after it, even it means following Otis around the living room for 10 minutes until Otis gives up
    • Ornery - unlike his 3 month pictures where he wouldn't smile at all, smiled for his 6 month pictures -- if his fist was in his mouth!
But most importantly, he is perfectly healthy and perfectly happy.  We are blessed beyond words.