

Friday, August 20, 2010

Daddy Time

Daddy Time is by far the most precious in our household.  Whether it be "sneaking" across the bed to lean over Daddy and say "Hi" directly into his face to wake him up, climbing into the recliner each morning to help Daddy put on his shoes, racing out to the truck as it rumbles up the driveway each evening or randomly yet frequently asking, "Da-da?", which can be translated many ways:  Where is Daddy?  When will Daddy be back?  What are you doing Daddy?  Please pick me up Daddy, etc. etc.

Charlie loves to tromp around in Daddy's shoes, to play in his laptop bag, to follow him around the yard, to sit next to him in their matching recliners, to walk around blinded by his hats, to vroom-vroom in his truck, to roll across the floor in his arms, to mow the yard in his wake, to drive the boat on his lap, and most of all to talk about and to his Daddy in an endless, high-pitched babble.  Essentially, Charlie just loves his Daddy.

I have to say, we had no idea just how cool Jason was until Charlie was born.  Charlie literally cannot contain himself when Jason walks into a room.  It doesn't matter if it's been two minutes or two days, Charlie's excitement about Da-Da will overflow in shrieks, shouts, giggles and arms thrown in the air.  Jason is truly his "rockstar."  In fact, I like to tease Jason that he knows just what it's like to be a Jonas Brother.  Were Charlie not Jason's son, I'm not sure it wouldn't actually be considered stalking...

Seriously though, when I have a moment to reflect I realize how amazingly blessed I am to have a perfectly healthy and goofy one year old son and a perfectly healthy and goofy 33 year old husband, but even more, to have them be the light of each others' lives. 

I remember journaling back when I was pregnant about who our baby would be.  While I was convinced that Charlie was actually going to be Ansley, on the off-chance that he was a boy, I remember writing that I hoped he would be exactly like his Daddy with only two minor differences:  1 - he would love to read (check - at least so far!) 2 - he would never go through the chewing tobacco stage (I plan to be vigilant and downright mean if necessary!). 

To date it looks like my hopes may be realized.  Charlie is definitely a little, blonde mini-Jason, and I couldn't be more thrilled or more proud!

A few of the basic skills Jason has passed on to his little protege over the past 18 months:

Grooming 101: Basic Cleanliness

Computers 101:  Video Conferencing with BaBa and PaPa

Swimming 101: Toes in the Water

Boating 101: Ease on the Water

Grooming 200: Extraordinary Bathing Opportunities

Chilling 101: The Recliner

Chores 101: Winter Yard Work

Christmas 101: The Art of Digesting Christmas Dinner

Survival Skills 101: Building a Fire

Automotive 101: Truck Cleanliness

Automotive 200: Engine Repair

Animals 101: Slimy Creatures

Animals 200: Hairy Creatures

Grooming 300: Looking Good & Knowing It

Boating 200: Safety Gear

Swimming 200: Fun and Games

Gymnastics 101: The Somersault

Cooking 101:  Sand Birthday Cake for Mom

Grooming 300: The Importance of Good Hair