

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Daddy Addict

After the weekend we had, I could hardly blame him, but on Tuesday morning I was fairly convinced that Charlie had successfully faked a stomach bug in order to stay home with Daddy.

Our fabulous weekend started early with Charlie staying home on Friday to help me wrap presents before meeting Daddy for a birthday lunch with his work friends.  Despite the fact that Charlie fell asleep on the way to lunch, he eventually perked up and enjoyed his pulled pork sandwich, half of Daddy's french fries and hamming it up for Daddy's coworkers.

Charlie then got to spend Friday evening with "Miss Jennfa" from church while Mommy and Daddy went to dinner and a comedy show with friends, and we definitely have a bit of a crush developing -- all day Saturday we heard, "Jennfa go?" -- too sweet!

The queries about Jennifer were mixed in amongst a cranberry muffin breakfast, helping Daddy open his birthday presents, learning to use the Kinect and Charlie's first trip to the boat show -- his response to which can be described as nothing other than "reverant awe".  Charlie was almost silent for the first hour, gaping at the boats and the people.  After his first bag of kettle corn he came to enough to try to climb into a couple boats and dance his way to a free whistle from the Sea Tow crew.

We capped off a fabulous day with dinner at Hucks on IOP overlooking the Atlantic.  Charlie had Gruyere and Bacon Mac n Cheese and split my pear Panacotta (aka Pear Pudding!) -- our little gourmand!

Sunday was full of church, a pizza party and a movie with his church friends, but we continued Daddy's birthday celebrations into Monday night with a traditional spaghetti and meatball family feast followed by angel food cake and custard and a Kinect track meet with our fabulous neighbors.  Charlie is a firm believer in the extended birthday, just like Mom and Dad.

So, after four days of Daddy-focused fun and adventure, I was suspicious when Jason called me Tuesday morning around 11:30 as I was pulling off Interstate 95 to head west towards Pine Hurst.  Charlie's daycare had just called and he had gotten sick twice, so Jason was en route to pick him up.  My immediate thought was to turn around, but Jason assured me that that was not why he had called -- that he'd even considered not telling me until I was home to avoid that response, but knew I would kill him.

While I would like to be able to say that my response was purely altruistic, and my only thought was of Jason's need to be at his job, to be honest, I love Charlie's sick days -- not that he's sick, but that I have him home with me and in a cuddly mood.  Once I was honest with myself, I gave up the thought of skipping the Sales Kickoff and heading home, after all, I guess Jason deserves a Charlie sick day every now and again, too.

Around 1:30 Tuesday afternoon, Jason texted me, "Charlie is on fire.  Amazing what a nap can do!"  Hmmmm...is my little boy a little faker?  Did he put it together that  since Mommy would be out of town until Wednesday, if he came home he'd get Daddy all to himself?

Well, by 3:30 my suspicions were put to rest...my own tummy started to clench and Jason confirmed via text that his was doing the same.  I managed to power through the rest of my Tuesday meetings and even the dinner that evening, then crawled into my hotel room bed at 8:15. 

By 4:15 Wednesday morning I completely gave up on sleep, got up, checked out and was on the road by 4:35.  My stomach had made it perfectly clear that I was not going to be sitting in meetings on Wednesday, and I knew I'd rather be sick at home than sick in a hotel. 

Apparently, 4:15 was also when Charlie gave up on sleep that night, so Jason was noticably relieved when I walked in around 8:00, while he was cleaning up the remnants of Big Bird, whom Louie had "mistaken" for his own toy.

The three of us spent Wednesday dozing to House Hunters and Sesame Street, eating bland food and making up new games, the highlight of which was a three hour nap from 11 to 1 -- for all of us!  While I would never wish this particular bug on anyone, there is no better way to spend a sick day than with your two favorite boys.

This morning Jason is back at work (hopefully all is going well!), I am up to about 85% and Charlie is still battling a bit of whiny tiredness, but we should all be 100% in time for another fabulous weekend!

Charlie wrapping some of "his" tootsies for Daddy

Testing out Daddy's new Fishing Pole from BaBa and PaPa

Setting up the Kinect

Whoa!  Boats!

Make a wish!

Daddy and Chad running hurdles

Calling Grandma to feel better
(he gets that from Mommy)