

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

15 months and counting...

That's right, Charlie is 15 months today.  It's so hard to imagine.  I can still remember every moment of the day he was born (other than those graciously blocked due to pain) as if it were yesterday, and I still can't believe that this little monster has blessed our lives.  At the same time, though, I can't imagine what Jason and I did before he came along...we were extremely happy as a couple, but it sure sounds boring now!

So, here is the quarterly Charlie update.  As of 6/09/10:

Weight - 25 lbs 6 oz (60th percentile)

Length - 32 inches (80th percentile)

Head - 48 cm (80th percentile)

Dr. Tripp's comment at 15 month appointment, "You look fantastic!"

Teeth - 4 bottom, 4 top, and gnawing on things right and left, so likely more to come

Hair - Golden blonde (gorgeous) with a slight curl.  The mullet is gone, though, since we had it trimmed for Uncle Travis & Aunt Natalie's wedding.

Birthmarks - Stork bites are no longer visible. Potato-shaped birthmark on left shin and freckles high above his right eye and on each cheek.

Naps - Good nap in the morning. Afternoon naps are a bit more regular than they were for a while -- but often as late as 4:30.

Bedtime - 7:00 to 7:30

Waketime - 6:00 to 6:30

Favorite Foods - Still loves Blueberries, Pancakes & Meatballs, but Pudding has its own dance!
Favorite Song - Toes by the Zac Brown Band (which Mom and Dad got to hear in person last weekend!)

Favorite Dance -  The pudding dance is awesome, but he randomly breaks into dance when he hears music from toys, the radio, TV or possibly just in his head.

Favorite Toys - Cups and silverware followed closely by books -- which he prefers to read on his own -- and anything electronic

Favorite Game - Running in and out of the pool, play cooking/stirring, chasing Otis, anything outside

Interests - Birds, sprinklers, headbands, phones, remote controls, sunglasses, making coffee, velcro

Recent milestones -
- Running and climbing
- Changed Otis' name to "Dog-o" and calls for him when he's outside
- Making all sort of new sounds and some new words: Thank You, Bird, Jason
- Hiding toys/other items from himself and mom and dad
Imminent milestones -
- Maybe finally say "Ma-ma"???? (still waiting for this with any regularity...)
- Starts daycare Monday (!!)

Best Friends - Otis (begrudgingly) and Wally

Hero - Da-da

Personality - (still no major changes from 9 months, but a few new characteristics)

- Even Goofier - He loves to laugh and be surprised, wiggle, giggle, tease Otis, wear his sunglasses upside down, etc
- Active - Unfortunately, Charlie is still not much of a cuddler. He is sweet and loving, but would much rather climb all over you or play tag with you than snuggle up.
- Curious - He loves to check out new things and is always craning his neck and peeking in/around/behind things to see what's really going on
 - Joyful - Charlie wakes up smiling, laughs and jokes around all day and goes to bed smiling (until he realizes that we're leaving the room). 
 - Loving - Despite not wanting to cuddle for long, he loves to give hugs to Mom, Dad, Donna and Otis and receive hugs, zerberts and kisses from everyone.
- Ornery - Or maybe willful is a better word.  Charlie is giving us all a run for our money.  His favorite thing to do is drop/toss something and say "Uh-oh" in the cutest little voice you've ever heard -- whether this be from his stroller, his highchair, down the stairs, etc.  He also loves to give Otis a treat, then chase him into the other room and take it back.  The worst, though, is his recent desire to test Mom, Dad and Donna by doing everything he's not supposed to do all at once (play in the plants, chase the dog, push buttons on the TV, play in the dog bowls, running off with the remote, etc...)

Mom's freshly cleaned house

Climbing up on our "waiting for Daddy" bench

Story Time

Mom and Dad at Zac Brown Band Concert

The Pudding Dance!!!

Such a Goofball!

A bit of light reading while waiting for Dr. Tripp

Post-shots icecream
(Mom's been waiting 15 months to institute this tradition!)