

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Scene 1: Mom and Charlie are "trotting to town" on the couch around 8:25 AM

"Da-da?" Charlie asks.
"Daddy's at work," Mom replies, "just like you get to go to school today."
[Gasp] Charlie grins, wriggles out of Mom's lap and and runs to the back door...

Scene 2: Toybox Daycare around 8:45 AM

Mom walks into the classroom with Charlie and starts to hang his bag on his hook.  Charlie starts waving goodbye ferociously.  Mom sets Charlie down on the ground.  Charlie grins and wanders off.

Mom says a couple of quick words to Miss Amanda.  Charlie walks up and commences waving until he is certain that mom is leaving.

Scene 3: The Yukon around 8:47 AM

"Wow, that was quick," Mom thinks.  [Double Sigh]

Epilogue: Daycare around 3:30 PM

Mom peers in the window and sees Charlie and his friends making the wheels on the bus go round and round.  She walks into the room and Charlie immediately starts waving goodbye to his teachers and reaching for mom.  All is right with the world.