

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Summer's Comin'

Despite the fact that May is barely halfway over, summer is in full swing down here in SC -- and we're loving it!  Charlie adores the pool.  He graduated from his Winnie the Pooh boat to swimmies this year and is definitely getting the hang of it.  My heart still skips a beat when he runs down the zero entry ramp...but he is definitely a little fish.  He loves to "jump" off the side of the pool and bob around by the rope, but the best is when he makes his own motor boat noises!

Even better than the pool is the beach!  Some of our friends from church rented a beach house at Folly this week to celebrate life -- 5 years ago Doris was diagnosed with breast cancer, but she survived and has a wonderful family and 2 new grandkids to show for it! 

We joined a bunch of church folks at the beach Sunday evening and Charlie had the time of his life playing in the sand.  I think he could have stayed for hours.  The only glitch is that he treats the beach like the zero-entry at the pool -- running into the waves at full speed.  This could get dangerous.  We're hoping to head back down this afternoon to spend another evening with the Hundleys, and this time I'm going to be prepared in a swimsuit, rather than white capris!

I didn't know summer could be so much fun.  We've already been through 2 pair of sunglasses, and we have boat rides and beach trips and pool visits and water parks to look forward to for the next 4 months or so!  And the most shocking part is, Charlie's infectious giggle even lets me forget that I'm wearing a swimsuit in public...I haven't been this un-self-conscious in lycra since I was 5!

Pool Time!

Comparing "fast" glasses with Garrett...
sadly, ours didn't survive the week