

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


One of Charlie's and my Activities of the Day today was packing for our whirlwind weekend trip to Kansas City for BaBa and PaPa's surprise 40th Anniversary party (and no worries... I won't be posting until after the party).

Anyway, I had thought I'd done a fairly thorough packing job: shorts, t-shirts, socks, underwear, swimsuits, jammies, toiletries, snacks...  But either I was downright negligent or Charlie knew an excellent pre-nap delay tactic when he saw one.  He added a few things to our suitcase:

  • Crabby Towel
  • Little Bella (stuffed version of Grandma & Grandpa's precious pug)
  • 2 "Party" Monkeys (better known as Sock Monkeys)
  • His "old" Bible and his "new" Bible
  • Green blankie, 2 "blank" blankies and a boat blankie
  • A Pocket for Corduroy
  • A is for Ark

I am going to leave it up to Jason and Charlie to determine whether Charlie's reading and cuddling needs take precedence over Daddy's desire not to run around naked for 3 days...but one thing is certain, we will not be checking a second suitcase!