

Friday, December 25, 2009

Joy to the World

Christmas has always been my favorite time of year.  I love the family, the friends, the food, the music, the lights, the silly movies, the magic in the air, and especially the opportunity to share the joy and hope of our faith -- but this year everything is so much more...just more.

I feel like I've taken a giant step forward as far as really "getting" it.  I was raised to believe that Christmas is the celebration of Jesus' birth and that Jesus was the son of God sent here for us, but I realized this year that I've always kind of taken it for granted.  Having a son of my own has opened my eyes to the amazing grace and mercy that is at the heart of Christmas.

While anyone can tell you that I believe that Charlie is perfect, I know that he will disobey and make poor decisions and mistakes along the way.  Nevertheless, I would never send him out into the world to be a sacrifice for anyone, much less people who would mock, hate and ignore him.  To think that God sent us His son, who actually is perfect, for just that reason astounds me.  To think that God loves us more than I could ever dream of loving my Charlie is beyond my ability to comprehend.

With these thoughts in mind, I feel like I am truly "adoring Him" for the first time in my life.  I expected Charlie to bring new joy to the presents, the lights, the snow and the time with family, but I never dreamed that my baby boy could open my eyes to the true love of Christmas.

Joy to the world, the Lord is come
Let earth receive her King.
Let every heart prepare him room,
And heaven and nature sing.

Merry Christmas!