

Friday, October 2, 2009

Like a Baby

Our family has been struck by the cold bug this week.  Charlie woke up with the sniffles on Monday morning, and by lunchtime Jason was miserably congested and achey.  Thankfully, my immune system has seemed a bit stronger and I didn't really get sick until yesterday -- which got me through a business trip to Wake Forest and house guests Wednesday night.

The crazy thing is that Charlie has been a trooper all week.  We can tell he's been having trouble breathing, but he hasn't complained at all.  His only reaction has been to nap a bit longer during the day and go to bed a bit earlier. 

Jason and I are another matter altogether, though.  We have both been moaning and groaning about not being able to breathe, not being able to taste, the horrific affects of Tylenol Sinus Daytime (I truly felt like I was on drugs -- and am not sure if I should have been left alone with Charlie!  I was jittery for 5 hours after I took it!), etc, etc.   I personally was convinced that my head was going to explode during an American Marketing Association luncheon yesterday, and Jason has found it nearly impossible to wrench himself out of bed in the mornings (worse than usual!). 

Charlie, on the other hand, still rolls over and smiles as soon as we turn his light on, laughs at Otis, grins for Donna, and he appears to be trying to make words -- nothing is coming out, but he's sure contorting his little mouth into some interesting shapes.

I wish Jason and I had acted like babies this week -- we would have been much more pleasant to be around.