

Monday, October 19, 2009


It's a little before 10 AM on Monday morning and we're going strong. We've already nursed, played and eaten cereal (day 2 of breakfast!). We had to skip our walk due to the near frigid temperatures (the 40s are arctic here in SC!), but we replaced it with a quick run into town for cash and a swing by Starbucks. All of that before Charlie went to Donna's!

Since the drop-off, I've medicated Otis (allergies), had 2 conference calls, cancelled a conference call, researched Operation Christmas Child, found Otis sunshine to bask in twice, pumped, thrown the sheets in the washer, resolved a customer referral issue, researched baby gates and discovered that my internet and phone have gone out. So, while I wait for my personal IT expert to call back and remind me of how to restart the router and other contraptions upstairs, I'm pre-blogging in MS Word.

The funny thing is, despite everything that's going on...despite the fact that I should be very concerned that I'm not going to get any work done today without the internet... despite the fact that I dropped Charlie off less than 2 hours ago...despite the fact that he is currently less than 100 yards away at Donna's house, I miss him. I just want to run over and give him a big hug and see his smile.

We had such a wonderful weekend. Charlie had his first play date with Lakely, Kate and Finley on Saturday. They all seemed to enjoy it and we moms had a blast -- we even got to sit down for lunch together!

On Sunday Charlie slept all through church for us, then we headed down to Mt. P for lunch at Five Guys and a fall festival with Chris, Chrissy, Carter, Cole, Cade and Camden. It was chilly, but a lot of fun. For the very first time Charlie's hair is long enough to be blown by the wind.  We thought this day would never come!  The whole afternoon was great.  Charlie just loves watching the big kids, and it was really nice to spend time with family. Plus, Charlie got his first taste of funnel cake - a critical milestone in any boy's life. (Don't worry, we bought a variety of organic baby food, including spinach, lentils, pumpkin, and mixed vegetables at Babies R Us on the way home, so he's getting a good balance of yummy, toxic food and healthy stuff.)

In other breaking news, Charlie has learned to pull up to standing and now crawls at high speed! So, Jason spent both Saturday and Sunday evenings baby proofing the house. We have 1 gate (the other was defective), covered outlets and "proofed" drawers and cabinets so far. It's crazy to think that Charlie will be trying to get into this stuff soon. Just hanging out with the younger girls on Saturday made us realize how quickly things change.

I suppose the trade-off for fabulous weekends is lonely Monday mornings. All things considered, it's a pretty small price to pay.

Being good while the mommies eat lunch
(Thank goodness for baby gear!)