

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...

What girl in her right mind would be semi-dreading a fun-filled trip to NYC with 3 girlfriends for shopping, shows, food and fun?  Only a crazy one.

Well, call me crazy.  In approximately 27 1/2 hours I am leaving for my first girls' trip in over four years in one of the most fabulous cities in the world with three of the greatest girls I know -- and Jason has told me not to worry about money!  I should be on cloud nine, and 99% of me is, but that one little percent is far from it...that one little percent is sad and confused and worried and scared...

I am going to miss 4 whole days of Charlie's life. I know it sounds insane and controlling and downright nuts, but as much as I want to go, I hate the idea of missing a weekend with him. 

To be clear, I am not the slightest bit concerned about Charlie's safety, welfare, health or enjoyment of the weekend.  BaBa will be arriving at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon and Charlie will have four straight days filled with laughter, love, hugs, crafts and fun with BaBa and Daddy.  Having no doubt that he will have an absolutely fabulous weekend, I'm not worried about him...I'm worried about me.

What do I do when I wake up at 6:45 and no one needs a clean diaper or wants to go wander around the common area splashing in sprinkler puddles and pointing at birds?  Is it possible to go 96 hours without folding laundry?  How do I know it's lunchtime if no on runs into the kitchen at full speed and barrels into the refrigerator?  What if I miss a new word or new owie or new favorite toy or new skill (like this morning when he helped take out the trash!)?  What if Charlie misses me?  What if Charlie doesn't miss me?

Well, I have a 4-pronged strategy to ensure that I survive and that I don't ruin the weekend for all of us: 
  1. I'm bringing my sneakers to hit the exercise room when I wake up long before my saner friends.
  2. I'm planning to beg hugs off Kelley, Tracey and Jana to overcome the inevitable separation anxiety I will start to feel as soon as I've gone 6 straight hours without anyone hanging on me
  3. I'm leaving plenty of room in my suitcase for random, ridiculous and expensive souvenirs
  4. I'm allowing myself to order champagne with any meal during which I feel blue
So, with a happy, safe baby, plentiful hugs and copious amounts of champagne, I am confident that I am going to have a fabulous weekend of being Jenny first and wife and mom second...only to return Monday evening and even better wife and mom.  Bon Voyage!