

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Fifteen Minutes of Fun

So I walk into Charlie's daycare to pick him up and as I make my way down the hall three little girls from the three year old class (to which Charlie will be moving when there is a vacancy) come in from the playground.

Anna Brooks:  Charlie!
Unknown Little Girl:  You Charlie's Mom?
Clara:  Charlie's in there (pointing to the Older Twos Room)

Then I walk into his classroom and Charlie and Kara are holding hands and dancing while he sings "We Will, We Will Rock N Roll..." and he proceeds to fall to the floor and roll around...

Then as we walk out the front door he informsme that Lucy the Leprechaun is coming and "leaves stinky footprints" and let's out his biggest belly laugh...

Then after he chooses a 6 foot stick to bring home (his latest hobby/obsession) and is climbing into the car, I notice that he has blue highlights in his hair, and I ask, "How did your hair turn blue?!"

He responds, "Micah.  And it's purple.  You should get me a purple shirt!" Then he promptly dissolves into giggles...

Finally, as we round the bend towards our house and I straighten my glasses to keep the bright sun out of my eyes, gigantic raindrops start to pelt the car, pouring down from the blue sky.

Who knew that fifteen minutes could be so wonderful?