

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A Place in this World

Tuesday night's sleepy chat with Daddy...

Charlie: Daddy, when I grow up I'm going to love you even if I live in a different place.
Daddy: Buddy, I'm going to love you even if you live in a different place, too, but I would love for you to live in the same place as us.
Charlie: I might live in Africa...if they have houses there...
Daddy: Why do you want to live in Af---?
Charlie: No, no, no.  Not Africa.  There are wild cheetahs running around there.  Mommy told me.  Maybe I'll live in Orlando.  You can drive there.
Daddy: Hmmm...
Charlie: No!  I know.  I'll live in Virginia Beach.
Daddy: Oh?  Lakely lives in Virginia Beach, huh?
Charlie: Yeah.  [Yawn]  Maybe tomorrow Mommy and I can get my globe out and find my place.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Music Lover

Charlie walked in while I was blowing dry my hair (and it's not even a special occasion) listening to my iPod -- his latest discovery.  With a huge grin on his face he told me, "I just love this music!"

Realizing that he probably hadn't hunted through the menus to find his Bible songs, I wondered what he could be listening to...Gary Allen, The BoDeans, Sugarland, Bruce Springsteen?  Which of my favorites was he appreciating so much?

Embarrassingly enough, one of my all time favorite songs...Summer Nights from Grease...over and over again.  That's my boy!

Monday, August 12, 2013

It WAS his first rodeo...

Through day three of our annual family vacation to Texas, Jason and I were fairly sure the highlight would be the major strides Charlie made in swimming.  He can officially doggy paddle now and seems to be turning into quite a little fish.  That definitely seemed like the pinnacle of the trip...until Sunday evening.

On something of a whim, Grandma and I decided that we all should go to the rodeo in town.  Since I grew up going to more rodeos than I can count, and Jason used to work the gates for a bull-riding friend in highschool, Charlie definitely needed some rodeo exposure -- and what better place than Old El Paso?

Thankfully, on yet another whim, Grandma and I had taken Charlie to get a summer cowboy hat Saturday afternoon... (his black felt one was too hot to bring to El Paso in August)

Walking in to Justin's...
Grandma: Charlie, you have your boots, your cowboy shirt and your badge.  What one thing are you missing to be a real cowboy?
Charlie: A horse?
Grandma: No, silly!  A hat!

Choosing the right hat (and bolo) is serious business
So Sunday evening came, and we all headed to the El Paso coliseum.  As soon as we were through the gates a lady approached me and asked if Charlie would like to Mutton Bust.  Thrilled at the idea, Jason and I asked Charlie if he'd like to ride a sheep (we didn't so much mention the falling off part...) and he said, "Sure," so we paid our $10 and went off to ride the rides before the main event.
Zipping away
Our high flier
Once the rodeo, itself, began though we thought he might be getting a little nervous about his decision when Jason noticed a very serious look on Charlie's face.
Figuring it out
Daddy: What's going on, buddy?
Charlie: I'm just thinking.
Daddy: What were you thinking?
Charlie.  No, I am thinking.
Daddy:  Ok...what are you thinking?
Charlie: About the tricks I'm going to do on the sheep.  I'm thinking maybe a flip.
Clearly the bareback riding did not have him second guessing his Mutton Busting debut.  Just a few riders in, Jason and Charlie headed down to the tunnel, leaving me, Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Jim to try to wait patiently...and me to watch the calf roping more studiously than ever before in an attempt to avoid picturing broken arms and concussions...Jason's text from below didn't exactly help...
Ready to Ride
Finally it was time.  Grandma and I raced to the rail to get good shots while Charlie waved from the sea of cowboys down below.
So little but feels so big!
There was no turning back now...
(Please ignoring the crazy screaming mom...)

Daddy: Good job, buddy!  What did you think?
Charlie: Can I do it again? I think I can go further.

Sadly, by the time he made it up to our seats and dumped the dust out of his boots, the very last contestant had beat him by about two yards, and Charlie had decided he no longer liked Mutton Busting, because, "I didn't get the trophy!"

Nonetheless, he could talk about little else the rest of the night and through the day today.

Charlie: So, Dad, does Mutton Busting just mean falling off a sheep?

Clearly, last night is a night that none of us will forget anytime soon...but the best part that Jason and I chatted about when we were too amped up to fall asleep, is to think of how many more ridiculously fun times we have ahead of us!

Official action shot at the following link:  http://dudleydoright.smugmug.com/Rodeo2013/Southwestern-International/ElPaso2013-Sunday-afternoon/31145054_SCTpfd/2/2696313926_rK9mS46/Medium