

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Because it's a special occassion...

I think Jason and I may have been building up our trip to Kansas City a little bit too much.  Charlie walked into our room this morning and asked, "Do we go to Kansas City this morning?" 

He was brokenhearted when he heard we don't fly out until tomorrow and practically despondent when he realized he had to go to school today (apparently his sick day on Monday didn't just spoil me).

Anyway, in an effort to cheer him up, I told Charlie that if he had a good day, I would pick him up early from school and take him on a special errand.  There is a new bakery on Main Street we've been meaning to visit, and this seemed like the perfect excuse.

So we spent the ride to school reviewing the four key components to a "good day"
  1. Listen
  2. Obey
  3. Take a good rest
  4. No Time Outs
I managed to wrap up all my work by 3:30 and made a beeline for the Toy Box.   On the way there I had sweet visions of Charlie and I walking into the bakery holding hands, picking out yummy treats and then joyfully sharing them on a park bench. (Yes, I chose to ignore the facts that he refuses to hold my hand unless he's in the street, won't share and it's 90 degrees out...but I digress.)

Scanning the nap sheet as I snuck in to grab his backpack, I was overjoyed to see that he'd actually napped today (unlike yesterday), so I continued on to the playground where it took him less than 10 seconds to make it to the door once we'd made eye contact.  Apparently he remembered our deal.

En route to the car (following a nasty incident with the heavy door and his left foot), I started to tell him about my plans, and he interrupted to say, "I want a rope."

Clearly understanding my baffled look, he clarified, "Like a food rope."


After a short discussion we determined that he wanted a Super Rope of the sort I used to beg for when I was a kid then only eat two bites of when I realized they don't taste as good as Twizzlers.

Unwilling to let go of my vision so quickly, I tried to talk him into a cookie or brownies or cupcake, but I eventually conceded.  Now I just had to track down a Super Rope.

First we tried Walgreens, where the clerks had never even heard of such a thing.  Then we tried the gas station (isn't that where we bought them 30 years ago???), and still no luck.  Thankfully, the lady there asked if we would be interested in a Nerds Rope...not quite as long, but as the name suggests, covered in Nerds. 

We walked hopefully back to the candy section and after a short study, Charlie decided that yes, the Nerds Rope would suffice.  Unprepared for such an affordable treat, we charged 90 cents on the Bass Pro card and made our way to the car.

So much for an idyllic, mother-son afternoon enjoying fancy treats.  Charlie gobbled up his rope before we got home, but made a good point passing the fire station, "I get this because it's a special occasion." 

And I suppose it is.  Isn't every good day a special occasion?  In fact, since I didn't indulge in a sugar-laden delight this afternoon, I've decided to see if Jason wants to share a bottle of wine over our spaghetti and meatballs tonight...might as well extend "the special occasion" to the rest of the family.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sound Bites

Excerpts from a special ride to school with Daddy...

Charlie: Daddy, it makes me sad when you go on airplanes.
Daddy: Oh, Buddy.  I'll be back in just a couple days.  Why does it make you sad?
Charlie: Well...because you are my best friend...you should be at my house.

Passing the Fire Station

Charlie: Daddy, did you see that big truck?
Daddy:  I did.
Charlie: It was HUGE!
Daddy: Yes, it was.
Charlie: Did you see the little truck, Daddy?
Daddy: No, Buddy.  I didn't.
Charlie: Hmmm...  It better come back soon.

Running into the classroom

Charlie: Miss Alisha!  I'm the man of the house!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Humbled and Grateful

It started out as a bit of a joke, but the more I think about it, I'm realizing how tremendously far God has brought Jason and me over the past few years.

You see, last week Charlie's Bible verse was Psalm 40:8, "I delight to do your will, O my God; Your Law is within my heart,"  but we couldn't get him to repeat it, because he refused to say "O my God." 

We tried to explain to him that you can and should say "God" and "my God" when you are talking to Him or about Him in a loving way...but Charlie is three after all, and what's more, he has a bit of his mother's tendency to look at things as either black or white...no shades of gray.  Finally, I just altered the verse to be "I delight to do your will, my Lord; Your Law is within my heart," but I have to admit it felt a bit wrong (that black and white thing again).

Anyway, seeing the whole thing as a joke, I posted an update on Facebook and when I was reading a friend's response, I was brought to tears to realize where Charlie is in his understanding of God and where he could have been had God not been working so hard in Jason's and my lives.

Jason and I have both been believers for as long as we can remember, but after our wedding and a bit of a disappointment with the new pastor at my church, we had a hard time finding a church that met our needs.  And unfortunately, we let our difficulty in finding the "perfect church" more or less keep us away other than special occassions until we moved to SC. 

Then a combination of my preference for nondenominational or independent churches, our discomfort with the more "enthusiastic" atmosphere of Southern churches  (Jason and I are firmly organ/hymn people at heart), the lack of street signs in SC and our enjoyment of lazy Sunday mornings resulted in almost two years of trying churches here and there, but never committing. 

While I am sure that there are some couples who could go a few years without a solid church home, but still read their Bible's regularly, grow in their faith and develop a strong foundation of Christ-centered friends, Jason and I are not among them.  To be clear, we never abandoned our faith, but we certainly were not growing and it was evident in our attitudes, priorities and the overall level of joy in our lives.

God changed everything, though.  One Sunday morning as Jason snoozed away, Otis and I went for our regular Starbucks run and saw a sign for Grace Christian Fellowship.  The word "Grace" caught my eye, but the word "Fellowship" concerned me (organs and hymns, remember?).  Nevertheless, there was a website, so iced latte in hand, I checked out the site and told Jason, "Well, I can't find anything Biblically inaccurate about it...maybe we should check it out." 

Amazingly, despite the fact that Jason was sick with a stomach bug, I went the next Sunday morning and when I returned home he was shocked to hear me say, "I couldn't find anything wrong with it."  So the following week we went together and were relieved and delighted when Jimmy, one of the elders, seemed to understand our hesitancy to fill out a visitor card -- we were still checking them out.  In fact, almost four years later, we are very involved members of GCF, but we still haven't filled out a "Green Card."

The most perfect part is that two weeks after we first attended together, I found out that I was 6 weeks pregnant with Charlie.  Now, I just have to look around to see that church in and of itself does not bring anyone closer to God, but it is undeniable that God had a plan when he led us to a family of believers and a desire to prioritize Him, His Word and His Will for us.

Without that change of heart and mind, Jason and I would still be Christians, but would Charlie really know it?  Would we pray together as a family?  Would his favorite stories be Jonah and Noah?  Would he love to talk about the fact that God is everywhere?  Would He know that God loves him even more than Mommy and Daddy do?  Would He know that Jesus died on the cross and is alive today?

I know that we would still scold him for repeating the "O my God" that he hears in the world, but would he know or care why?

God blessed me with an incredibly obedient and loving and laughing Charlie on Mother's Day, and while he napped in the car I was overwhelmed with gratitude to realize that had God not cared enough to work on Jason and me, Charlie would be living a completely different life. 

Sure, we would have probably found a church when we decided that it was the "right thing to do."   Hopefully Charlie would one day have come to truly understand who God is and why we need to be reconciled to Him through his Son, but he deserves to know that now -- at three years old.  He deserves to grow up knowing that God is already loving him and listening to him and watching him -- and loved three year old Charlie enough to send His own Son to die so that toddler, child, teenager and adult Charlie can know Him.

Without growing parents Charlie didn't have a hope of growing in Christ until he was old enough to find Him on his own.  I am so grateful that God took Jason and me by the hand and brought us back to His path so that our Charlie didn't have to miss out.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

School Talk

(Acquired from Miss Alisha's Facebook page...)

Circle Time Moments at Work...

Miss Alisha: Okay guys, let's talk about Mommies today. Who can tell me your Mommy's name?  Sully what's your mommy's name?
Sully: Ummmm......Mommy?
Miss Alisha: Yes, you call her mommy, but what's her first name?
Sully: My mommy is Courtney
Miss Alisha: Very good, Sully! Carter What's your Mommy's name?
Carter: Mommy.
Charlie: No its not!! Your mom is Mrs. Kim, and my Mommy is Mrs. Jenny!
Miss Alisha: Very good, Charlie. His Mommy's name is Mrs. Kim.
Charlie: Yea, I know.  I just went his birthday party. (said matter of factly, with the Charlie smirk)
Carter: Yea!  You did come to my party!! (nodding an smiling)
Charlie: Yea and it was pretty cool!
Carter: Thanks!!!

This conversation totally took over my circle time for like 5 minutes!!! I love these kids!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Two Sundays ago at breakfast...

Charlie: Daddy!  Grandma comes today!
Mommy:  No, Baby.  Grandma comes Thursday, remember?
Charlie: But we're ready today!

And ready we were!  While Daddy was off watching cars drive in circles with his dad and uncles, Charlie and I had Grandma in town to spoil us rotten!

First, on Thursday night we took her to Mustard Seed and all indulged in "Chee" Lime Pie and Coconut cake.  Then Friday was beach day, where Grandma and Charlie made bucket after bucket of Clam Chowder while Mommy basked in the slightly overcast sun...bliss...

On Saturday we took Grandma to Bee City to visit our llama and rabbit friends, then she treated us to Duke's -- all the macaroni, pulled pork and pudding we could eat!

Saturday night Charlie had Miss Jennifer over to play and Grandma and I took a painting class at Bottles 'n Brushes.  Grandma is definitely the artist in the family...unless of course perspective is unnecessary...in that case I did ok.

Sunday was church, Five Guys, painting lessons for Charlie and proving to Grandma that Charlie's truck could go almost as fast as those NASCARs...and could even "get smoked" just like them.

We couldn't have asked for a more delightful weekend...and while we are very much looking forward to our trip to Texas in July when Daddy and Grandpa will be in on the fun, it was great to have Grandma to ourselves for a couple days!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Such a Boy!

Leaving Five Guys after Sunday lunch with Grandma.

Charlie: Mommy, what is that store?
Mommy: Buddy, that's Lowe's.  You know that.
Charlie: Mommy, have I been a good boy?
Mommy: Well, yes, Buddy.  You were a very good boy at lunch.
Charlie: Why can we not go there?

Clearly someone is missing his Daddy...