

Monday, October 31, 2011

Even Better Than Candy

We absolutely LOVE Old Fort Fire Station #5 on Highway 78.  Charlie and his buddy Sully spent over an hour there yesterday "driving" the trucks, shooting the hose, climbing the seats and honking the horn.  It was 2 year old heaven -- not to mention Mommy Bliss, because really is there anything better than seeing your baby over the moon?!?!

We even learned that firemen actually do get kitties out of trees...I have unknowningly been telling Charlie the truth all this time...

Now, we haven't trick-or-treated yet, and Charlie is definitely excited about that, but based on his recap of yesterday's adventures to Daddy and his teachers this morning, I think the Fire Station might actually surpass the candy for the highlight of Halloween 2011!

The Crew

Comparing Boots


Coming Through!

Learning the Ropes

On the Move

Now for the Red Truck

Putting Out a Few Fires

It doesn't get better than this!

Friday, October 28, 2011


So, I rescued an 8" worm this morning. 

I'm fairly sure I never even touched the worm I disected in Biology class 20 years ago...based on my grade, I imagine not... so why did I touch a worm this morning?

One word:  Charlie

Yes, I realize that comes as no surprise, but seriously...worms?  And did I mention that I rescued a frog about a year ago?  He appeared on my windshield as I was cruising down Highway 26 at 70 miles per hour.  Late to meet Jason for something or other, I pulled into a rest stop and grabbed the terrified, wind blown, but still slimy creature and assisted him to the grass, getting peed on in the process -- Charlie cheering from his carseat the whole time.

So this morning while Charlie and Jason were pushing the recycling to the street, I noticed a huge worm on the driveway, and when Charlie got cam back I suggested that he "rescue" it by putting it in the grass. 

His response? "But it's slimy!"  This from the kid who once handed me a worm in three pieces.

But what is a mom to do?  After I tell him that the worm needs rescuing, can I just turn my back?  Oh, you're probably thinking that I could just had Jason do it, right?  Not so much...

You see, Daddy conveniently had a conference call starting that exact minute, so he had to climb in the car and close the door to launch the call...all the while smiling and laughing through the windshield as I tried to figure out how to avoid touching the nasty creature.

Finally, I just bouyed up my confidence and tried to grab it, but I couldn't!  The crazy thing was squirming and jumping like I'd never seen, while I was shrieking and Charlie was giggling...  It's a wonder that only two neighbors stopped to watch -- and offer advice...  Sheesh!

I'm still not sure how, but eventually I plucked the nasty thing off the ground and flung him towards the grassy patch between the house and driveway.  Of course, he actually hit the house and landed in the flowerbed, so "rescue" might not be an accurate term...I may have actually just provided a quicker and easier death than baking on the driveway, but I at least get points for trying, right?

Charlie's response to the whole experience?  "But Mama, he's in the mulch.  You need to move him to the grass!"  Not a chance!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Life Lesson #12,547

If a child is able to recite the entire Where the Wild Things Are book while eating pancakes, he is ready to start memorizing Bible Verses.

Yesterday morning Charlie entertained me with a Wild Things monologue that finally opened my eyes to the fact that he is more than old enough to start memorizing Bible Verses.  A while back I downloaded some great Bible Songs that play on his radio in his room, but to be honest, he's not in his room very much -- so we're going at it the old-fashioned (thought not yet very organized) way.

I flipped through my Bible until I found something that was a) short and b) understandable based on his as yet limited Biblical knowledge.  To date Charlie knows that God created everything and is everywhere (made possible by the fact that He holds the world in His hand) and that Jesus loves him -- that's really all that I can confidently say he more-or-less understands.

So, clearly a bit sleepy yesterday morning on day 4 of Daddy's "field trip" to the Bahamas, Genesis 1:1 never crossed my mind, and we picked John 14:15, "If you love me, you will follow my commandments".  And when asked, Charlie will tell you that if you love Jesus, "you listen to his rules."  It's extremely important to me that he not only be able to repeat the verses, but also understand and explain what they mean -- so if any of you out there have any suggestions of additional shortish Bible Verses that stick to some pretty foundational truths, please send them my way!

Once he was able to recite the verse with the citation and explain its meaning, Charlie got to call Grandma, but not one to wait for someone to answer before he starts talking, Charlie was reciting away long before Grandpa had a chance to say hello.  I'm not sure what I would do if I picked up the phone at 6:00 Sunday morning to hear a little voice reciting the Bible...I might hang up.  Thank goodness for Caller ID!

So, next week we'll do Genesis 1:1, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth," and by Christmas Charlie should know more verses than Mom & Dad combined.  (Just kidding...we play to learn them with him, so we can keep up!)

Friday, October 21, 2011

Celebrating God's Perfect Plan

Today is dedicated to Charlie's new best friend,
and the dearest hope fulfilled for our beloved Chad & Corrisa:

Is it any wonder that "How Great Thou Art" is playing in my head?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Babies, Babies, Babies...

This has been the most amazing week for babies!  In the past four days we have had friends going through every imaginable baby "stage", so of course, I have babies on the brain. 

Not that I often go very long without babies on the brain, but this week has really emphasized to me how central they are to life: after all, we all started there, and to its purpose: the quest for eternal life.

As any frequent reader knows, I believe with my whole heart that God created us to glorify Him, thereby sharing His truth with others, so that they, too, can have eternal life through Him.  Because alone, we are doomed: "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23)

Through the lives of dear friends over the past four days Jason and I have seen over and over again that God gives us babies not only to cuddle and love, but to help us learn about Him and His purpose for us:
  • P - giving birth to Jack, her little "doll," Sunday afternoon: "Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward." (Psalm 127:3)
  • A - going back to work on Monday after 12 weeks home with sweet baby B: "She considers a field and buys it; From her earnings she plants a vineyard...a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised. Give her the product of her hands, And let her works praise her in the gates." (Proverbs 31:16, 30-31)
  • K - entering her third trimester with her precious twins on Tuesday: "For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb." (Psalm 139:13)
  • C&C - meeting their long-desired R Wednesday afternoon and bringing him home by the weekend, a perfect picture of God's love for us: "He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will" (Ephesians 1:5)
  • And sadly, K & J - losing their baby boy and all the hopes they'd placed in him, but continuing to proclaim God's love amidst their pain: "The LORD is near to the brokenhearted
    And saves those who are crushed in spirit." (Psalm 34:18)

And this doesn't even account for at least six other family members and friends we have who through various struggles and miracles are currently expecting. 

I know that God teaches us not only through His word, but also through the people and situations in our lives, but I have to admit that I rarely recognize it the way I have this week. 

Even in Jason's and my own hopes for more baby stages in our own life to bring us more of the blessings of the past few years... "But as for me, I will hope continually, And will praise You yet more and more." (Psalm 71:14) 

Charlie at 6 1/2 weeks
Our flashing Kidney Bean

 Charlie at 17 weeks
Our Little Alien 

Charlie at 5 minutes
Our Baby Boy

Charlie at 2 years, 7 months, 8 days
Our Little Man

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Weekend Visit

Charlie spent much of last week reminding teachers and neighbors that his BaBa and PaPa were coming for the weekend, and the visit itself definitely lived up to his anticipation. 

From the moment he and I raced up to B terminal to welcome their 20 minute early plane Thursday evening until he gave confused goodbye hugs Sunday afternoon, I don't think he let them out of his sight.  There is definitely little Charlie enjoys more than an enthusiastic audience/playmate, but when you combine that with the love of a grandparent, it just doesn't get any better.

They spent hours in the playroom doing I have no idea what (since I used much of this time to take leisurely showers), but fun was definitely had by all.  Of course, the hours at home didn't compare to the outings to the pumpkin patch, downtown for some furniture and clothing shopping, out on the boat to cruise past the jetties and down to Folly Beach and finally, over to the Outlet Mall for a couple quick rides en route to the airport.  And of course, we managed to squeeze in some wonderful meals, ridiculous laughs and cozy hugs.

Sunday definitely came way too fast (especially to me, since I missed all of Saturday's fun due to this silly sinus thing...), but it just left us excited for more fun with BaBa & PaPa in Kansas City this Christmas.

Building Towers

The Proper Way to Carry a Pumpkin


Super Slide

Family Photo Op


Direct Line to the Great Pumpkin

Got it!

The Great Watch Rescue


Just like PaPa 

Ready to Cruise

Bundled for the Sunset Cruise 

Such a Great Visit!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Life Lesson #952

Charlie is pouring his drinking milk into his cereal...

Mommy: Charles Patrick, stop that right now.  You know you are not allowed to pour things!
Charlie: Whimper... Charlie strains to pout, but ends up looking more like a marionette doll
Mommy: Charlie, that will not work.  Pouting is not going to get you your way.  You are smarter than that.
Charlie: But... He manages to get his lower lip out into a real pout for a second.
Mommy: Copying the pouty face.  Buddy, honestly, would this face change your mind and make you give me anything I wanted?
Charlie: Straight-faced.  That's not going to work.  I'm done. 

Charlie pushes back from the table to go play and Mommy laughs.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Have a Safe Day!

7 AM, The Kitchen; Charlie is eating oatmeal, Mommy is making coffee and Daddy is preparing to leave

Daddy: Have a good day, buddy.  I'll see you tonight.
Charlie: Have a safe day, Daddy!
Daddy: Have a safe day...
Mommy: Buddy, I'll be right back.  I'm going to go get the mail.
Charlie: Daddy!  Be careful!  Don't run into Mommy with your truck!
Daddy: What?!  Ok, Charlie, I'll be careful...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

First Fear?

Oh, if only Charlie were enjoying Fire Safety week as much as I am. 

Yesterday they learned to stop, drop and roll if there is fire on their clothes, and now he's petrified that the fire is going to "get [him]".  He even had two accidents yesterday, and while I don't know that they're related, I have to wonder.  Then last night after prayers he asked Jason to protect him from the fire.

The crazy part is that in all my excitement about the fire trucks and the activities, I'd forgotten my own terror at 6 years old when we watched a Fire Safety movie at school.  In the movie a family's house catches on fire in the night and they all have to escape, using the rope ladders, etc. that they had conveniently installed earlier that day.  I can still picture the little blonde girl sitting terrified in her bed and clutching her mom (or dad...not sure) out in the street later as flames shoot from their house.

Even more vividly, I remember laying in my little twin bed in the downstairs bedroom on Long Street crying because I thought our house was going to catch on fire in the night -- specifically, I  thought that lightning would strike the vaulted ceiling in the living room.  I remember Mom coming in to reassure me but I think this fear lasted for quite some time, and I actually recall looking at the living room ceiling in the mornings to make sure there wasn't a jagged hole.

I definitely don't fault Charlie's daycare for introducing fire safety and all, but I guess I'm having a hard time accepting that it's time for him to discover that "bad" things can happen.  Up until now he's believed that a fire truck racing by with sirens blaring is on the way to rescue a kitty from  a tree, and I think the only reason he stays out of the street is to avoid a spanking.  This is most likely his first taste of legitimate fear, and while I know it's important developmentally, it's breaking my heart.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Get A Life!

Hmmmm...how bad is it to live vicariously through a 2 year old? 

It's not as if I don't have a perfectly wonderful life of my own, but I have to say I tend to get more excited about Charlie's triumphs and more concerned about his challenges than I do about anything happening in my 34 year old days.  Is that bad?

For example, it's Fire Safety Week at school!  How cool is that?!  And what perfect timing!  Yesterday they learned what to do if there is fire in their house: run outside (and I of course informed Mrs. Kita that if Charlie ran out the front door when Jason started a fire in the fireplace this winter, I would blame her), and also what do do if they see smoke: crawl  (and yes, I will try to take pictures if I burn dinner some evening and Charlie hits the deck).

But believe it or not, it gets even better.  Today they are learning to Stop, Drop and Roll!  I still have vivid memories of my kindergarten class rolling around on the carpet some 29 years ago.  I can't wait to see Charlie demonstrate.

And as if that weren't enough for the week, tomorrow they are learning about Fire Trucks (I'm hoping that maybe the local station will drop by) and Thursday they're learning about the Fire Station, itself, (I'm still completely in the dark on this one, since I have not seen or signed a permission slip...I'm sure it will be creative and fun, though).

Of course, the highlight of this whole curriculum is that Charlie is going to be a fireman for Halloween in just another couple weeks.  How perfect is that!?  And Sully's mom and I are planning to take the boys to visit the Fire Station in full gear on the 30th. 

And while I in no way mean to suggest that my life is boring, it's no Fire Safety Week.

Of course, higher highs can also mean lower lows.  Yesterday I found out that Micah, Bryce and Hayden have all started the transition to the Older Twos room -- without Charlie.  He's ready (i.e. of age and potty trained), but they only have three openings right now, so Charlie's three best buddies will be joining Miles, Vivie, Carly, Sully and Landon full time next week.

To be clear, I am in absolutely no hurry for Charlie to grow up and I am going to seriously miss Miss Brittany, Miss Brittany, Mrs. Kita and Mrs. Linda (just like I do Mrs. Jo-Jo, Miss Amanda and Mrs. Brenda), but I can't bear to think of him being left behind -- or having to spend all day without his buddies.

Granted, did he fall apart when Miles moved up? No.  Vivie?  No.  Carly? No.  Sully? No. Landon? No...but still...  It reminds me of that Christmas in college when Matt & Amon got real jobs and Rebekah went to Europe...I cried all the way home from the shoe store.  Of course, I did end up making another batch of fabulous friends, but it was heart-breaking at the time.

Who's going to run to the door when we arrive every morning shouting, "Chawlie, Chawlie, Chawlie"?  I'm really going to miss that...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Kindred Spirits

Ah yes, this post is dedicated in part to all of those fellow Anne of Green Gables fans out there...but, imagine my surprise when I found that same term in the Bible!

Yes, in the NASB translation, Paul refers to Timothy as being "of kindred spirit" in Philippians 2:20.  Translated elsewhere as "like-minded", it's actually a compound of two Greek words that mean "equal" and "soul" or "mind". 

Why, you may be asking yourself, did Jenny feel the need to dive into a crash course in Koine Greek?  Well, partly just for fun, but mostly because I've been thinking a lot about friendship lately.  When we take a moment to pay attention, Jason and I are overwhelmed by the breadth and depth of friendships we have made in our five short years in South Carolina.  For two Midwest natives with no intention of ever leaving the KC Metro, pulling up stakes for Summerville was a big risk, but one that has been rewarded tremendously with an abundance of new friends.

The amazing part, though, is that our "old" friends have stuck by us through our great adventure and while we see them much less frequently, I feel like some of our relationships are even closer than when we left -- I suppose that what's lacking in quantity of time we've made up for with quality.

Just this summer I've had two of my closest girlfriends come for visits, along with my very closest of all, my mom, and while the Four Amigos weren't able to put together a trip this year, there is no doubt they'll be playing Huck Finn again in the near future...maybe eventually with their doppelgangers in tow...

I suppose that the impetus for all of my frienship musings has been watching Charlie start to build relationships of his own, and to not only tag along to playdates and school, but to get excited about seeing his buddies and talking about their adventures.  My little boy has friends!

Clearly, it's too early to call any of them "kindred spirits", after all, most two year olds I know are pretty like minded, focused on fast toys, yummy candy and belly laughs, but I believe the ones that will last will be the ones whose similarities go beyond the mind to an "equalness of soul" -- that deeper connection that overcomes time, distance, likes, dislikes, even personality, to form the bonds that last a lifetime.

Who knows, in 30 years, Charlie may count among his kindred spirits
  • his wife who adores him, encourages him to be the very best Charlie he can be and makes him laugh at least once a day
  • his best friend since third grade with whom he has nothing in common on the surface, but who couldn't be more like him deep inside
  • his coworker and classmate from college who shares his faith and sense of humor, even though they never seem to be at the same life stage at the same time
  • his friend that he came to know well only right before he left town, but with whom he can share even his most vulnerable moments (with or without wine) and with whom he is sure he will share a zipcode again someday, somehow
  • his new friend that he met through church, but became friendly because of their kids, but who he can talk endlessly with...even if one of them was supposed to be home almost an hour ago and the kids are getting cranky
  • a couple that he and his wife seem to be perfectly matched with, to the point that they're more like family than friends
  • or (my dearest hope!), his mom, who he can call as often as twice a day or as little as once a week, but is always thrilled to hear from him, ready to laugh at his jokes, and looking forward to their next visit.
Obviously, Charlie's kindred spirits, will be different than mine, but I pray that God will bless him with the ability to recognize and appreciate them, as he has done for me.  Few other gifts are more valuable when life's disappointments and disillusionments strike.

A few of our best buddies...