

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Power Outage 2011

I have to say that it is much less stressful to have the power go out at 5:15 in the evening with a pot of homemade chicken soup on the stove, a fire in the fireplace and your husband playing on the floor with the dogs than it was at 1 AM with Jason in Daytona last year!

Quick thinking had me throw the noodles in the soup within a couple minutes of the blackout, so we were still able to enjoy a "romantic" candle-lit dinner for three...followed by cozy fun and games in the living room until bedtime.  The shutters even kept Charlie's room warm enough to put him down up there -- and with the power coming back on at 8:00 (beating last year's time by 14 hours!), it was just a minor winter-blip in our day!

And best of all, with my new kindle and it's handy-dandy light, I was able to read the evening away until the power came on -- you gotta love technology!

"Boating" by firelight


  1. Wow! Sounds like a crazy day! I worked from home today and am doing the same again today. A friend wrecked while driving along 152! Stay warm! :-)

  2. Wow, I didn't know it was that bad around here. We had a flicker around 4:30, but that was it. Glad it didn't last long for you guys!

  3. Glad you all stayed warm and safe :)

  4. Wow!! Can't believe it happened again!! At least it was only for a little while - I remember last year when we were calling each other to get the latest updates...LOL My how times have changed...give our best to Jason, Charlie, Otis and the new addition...I know y'all are having a blast!
