

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Chatty Charlie

During our Thursday drive to and from Summerville for Bible Study Charlie and I had some "interesting" conversations...

To Summerville...

Following a lengthy description of "Funland", the rainbow land with no naps, candy for breakfast and no sugar-tummy where Daddy's don't have to work and everything is made out of flowers and raindrops and sunshine rainbows and clouds.

Charlie: You're really fun, Mom.
Mommy: Thank you.  You're really fun, too.  That's why we're such a good pair.
Charlie: I want to live with you.
Mommy: You do live with me, Buddy.
Charlie: But I want to live with you when I'm big.
Mommy: Well, you can talk to your wife and maybe you two can live really nearby.
Charlie: I'm scared to get married.
Mommy: Why are you scared to get married?
Charlie: [Incoherent mumbling].
Mommy: What?
Charlie: Girls will think I'm silly.
Mommy: Well, you just need to find a girl that's as silly as your mommy and she'll fit in great.
Charlie: Will I have to dance?

And back to West Ashley...

Charlie: Mom, will you hand me my black mask. Yeah!  There, there, there [as Mom gropes blindly in the backseat].  Remember how I as a cowboy?
Mommy: Yes.
Charlie: Well, now I'm a super hero.  I just put this on.
Mommy: Does it cover your secret identity like Mr. Incredible?
Charlie: Yes. 
Mommy: What is your super power? 
Charlie: My feet turn into roller skates!
Mommy: Are you Rollerboy?
Charlie: Well, in the movies they usually call "Superman Helper Spiderman".  I'm the black Spiderman.
Mommy: Really?
Charlie: And I have my own changing room where I push the button on my rollerskates.  And you just roll an inch then whoosh.  You go so fast.  Like a horse...wait no, like a car on a highway...what is faster than a car on a highway?
Mommy: An airplane?
Charlie: A jet! Fast like a jet.  Does a police jet go fast when it's trying to catch a bad guy?
Mommy: Yes.  Very fast.
Charlie: Fast like a horse police jet catching a bad guy.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Funny isn't it...how one milestone can completely transform the day of a grumpy four-year-old and his frustrated mommy?

Charlie: I read it!

Mommy: Yes! You did! That's what we've been working for.

Charlie: I can't believe I did it!  I can't believe I read a book. Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!  [Charlie tackles Mommy with a hug] I couldn't have done it without you!

The melodrama is a bit annoying at times...but at other times it's just perfect!

Monday, October 7, 2013

An explanation of sorts...

Some of our most avid readers (and by this I of course mean Jason and my mom...) have been "wondering" about the fact that Charlie updates have been so few and far between lately. 

Ummmm....well...I don't really have a good reason. 

It's not that there is nothing to write about...Charlie is interested in and learning so many new things, and we're doing lots of fun stuff with our friends.  He's started football.  He's learning to ride his bike.  He's learning to read.  We've started a new church.  He's drawing a lot....and of course, he's still talking just as much as ever.

So maybe that's it.  We're spending so much time going from little boy to big boy that I'm just too worn out to write about it?  What can I say - the more fun we have the less time I have to type it all up. 

I am overjoyed that Jason and I decided to skip preschool and have Charlie home one more year, and as much as I know he'll be more than ready for the structure and socialization of kindergarten next year, I'm already beginning to miss him...So don't be surprised if the updates remain sparse -- I need to soak in as much of my "big boy" as I can before I have to share him with the world.

Some of our recent activities:

Friday, October 4, 2013

And so it begins...

Driving down 61 en route home from the Audobon Swamp Garden...

Charlie: "Mommy, do you see that sign over there?"
Mommy: "The one right there?"
Charlie: "Yes.  I think that place is a car wash, because I read the words "car" and "wash".  And the car in the picture looks shiny."
Mommy: "Wow, buddy.  You're right.  It does say "car wash"."
Charlie: "You mean I read my first sign?  We have to tell Daddy!"

This is dedicated to my mom, dad, brother and sister who spent years in the car listening to me read signs...and Jason who spent the drive home from lasik surgery listening to me read signs...let the fun begin!