

Friday, February 27, 2009

February 27, 2009

Last night was our breastfeeding class.  It's amazing how much better it is for you than formula -- not that formula is bad.  Breastfeeding is just so much better. 

It is definitely my plan to breastfeed, but from everything I've learned we might have a bit of a learning curve.  We'll figure it out, though.

Today Daddy is meeting us at our weekly doctor's appointment then we're taking Otis to the beach.  Daddy had to work late Wednesday evening, so he gets the whole afternoon off. 

Then tomorrow is our birthing class.  I hope it's as good as last night's class.  We definitely have a lot to learn, but Daddy and I are enjoying it and really looking forward to your arrival -- should be within the next 2 to 2 1/2 weeks!

Kate's Mom, Mommy, Miss Amanda & Lakely's Mom
at Amanda's Wedding Shower

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

February 11, 2009

Tonight Daddy and I have our CPR/First Aid class.  Hopefully these are skills we'll never need, but we want to be sure to be prepared.

It's hard to believe how close we're getting.  I've been wondering so much about you.  I can't wait to get to know you.  What will make you laugh?  What will be your favorite toy? What kind of foods will you like/dislike?  Will you like to swim?  Will you like to read? Who will be your best friend?  What will you want to be when you grow up?  Will you be an early bird or a night owl?  Will you be good at math?  Will you be shy or outgoing?

Obviously it will take years to learn all these things about you -- and many of the answers will change over time.  But still, I can't wait to meet you and start getting to know you.  Soon...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

February 7, 2009

We had the hospital tour two days ago.   It seems very nice and comfortable.  You will spend the first 48 hours of your life at Summerville Medical Center then come home with Mommy and Daddy.

This next week we have our CPR class on Wednesday evening, and Daddy is going to try to get your toybox finished before he leaves for Daytona.  Then next weekend is your SC Shower -- you will really be here before we know it.  It's so hard to believe!

34 weeks

My two babies