

Thursday, September 25, 2008

September 25, 2008

Daddy and I are on our way to Kansas City to see his side of the family.  We'll also see Uncle Jim, Matt, Emily & Tom, and I'll see some of my girlfriends.

Daddy will leave Monday morning to go home, but I'll stay until Tuesday night to work.  I'm actually having a "pre-interview" on Monday for a new job in my company that looks like it would require a lot less travel.  My goal is to travel four or fewer times per year once you get here -- and ideally those trips would be to KC and you could come with me.

I'm trying to just relax and be patient, though.  As you'll soon learn, worrying is a completely wasted activity, plus it's not good for you if I worry.  Plus, everything always owrks out better than I could have ever dreamed.

Your Daddy and I lead an extremely blessed life and we are grateful for you everyday.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

September 18, 2008

It's been quite a while since I've written to you.  It's not that I haven't been thinking of you -- the opposite in fact. 

In the midst of some local business travel, a trip to Atlanta to see cousin Mikey and a week long visit by Aunt Ashley and Uncle Stephen, we've started checking out daycares, told my work and decided on your nursery furniture.  All the while you've been growing by leaps and bounds. 

We heard your heartbeat last Friday.  It was so exciting to know you're doing well.  Tomorrow you will be 14 weeks.  You are about the size of my fist and you are getting hair -- brown or red I wonder?

We've also been telling all of our friends.  Everyone is extremely happy for us and excited to meet you.

Also, Mommy isn't feeling so tired or nauseated as I was for a while, which is making Daddy's life a lot better!  I am rapidly expanding though -- just not all in my stomach due to yoru healthy appetitie.  So far you love chicken nuggets, cheerios, salads and fig newtons.  You're not very interested in sweets, which is keeping us both healthier.

12 weeks