

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day!

Who knew that snow days were even more fun as a mom?!

Due to the 38 degree temperatures and freezing rain, the state of South Carolina more or less shut down today, so I got to keep Charlie home with me.  With multiple bridges and all state governments closing down we thought Jason would get to stay home, too, but apparently the VA is the only organization that stays open in this kind of weather.

Like all of our Kansas City friends and family, I find the whole thing fairly ridiculous, but that doesn't mean we aren't enjoying every minute of it!  We've spent the day playing with the dogs, discovering that Louie is even less a fan of cold weather than Otis and doing a few loads of laundry while icicles form on the eaves and sleet patters at the window...to which Charlie loves to yell, "Hear that?!?" -- so funny.

The highlights of the day so far have been a marathon play-doh session during which we learned to use scissors and discovered that play-doh does not, in fact, taste like gingerbread cookie dough followed by some rousing games of "pockafoozie" while our grilled cheese cooked. (aka Ring Around the Rosie, "Pocket Full of Posies".

Right now the plan is for me to shower and change from the sweats I slept in to a new pair while Charlie naps, after which he'll take a bath and do the same...then some cars and Sesame Street before we make chicken soup to warm Daddy up after his day facing the bitter South Carolina winter -- hah!  I love it!


Oops...Mom, I have no idea how this happened!


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