

Monday, September 27, 2010


Just back from the pediatrician...again...

Daycare called around 11:15 to say that Charlie's rash was worse.  I missed the call, though, and when I called back at 12:15 he was already down for nap.  I rushed around to get everything done and was very unsurprised when they called back around 1:15.  Charlie had just woken up and his rash was raised and very red...so off I went in yoga pants...to daycare...then to the pediatrician...in yoga pants.  While I am proud to say that I do not have the tush I had (or even half the tush I had) when I was 9 months pregnant, I still in no way, shape or form have a tush that should be seen in public in yoga pants.  But I guess that's motherhood.

Back to Charlie...the pediatrician's office had called when I was in picking him up from daycare, so I called back to get his results from the strep test.  It isn't "common strep", which causes strep throat, but strep bacteria did grow...so... yeah?  Anyway, the doctor recommended that he stay on his antibiotic, and when I asked if it could be causing the rash, which has definitely become worse since he started the new one on Friday, she asked us to come in.

So, after 4 trips to and from the car in pouring rain (approximately 1 hour after I had blown my hair dry) and an hour in the waiting room with a very bored, very active Charlie (all the while wearing yoga pants in public!), we saw Dr. Tripp.  Thankfully, she does not appear to think I'm crazy, and even more important, believes that the rash is just part of the whatever virus Charlie has.  She even wrote him a note to go back to school tomorrow, since he doesn't even seem to notice the rash and she's certain it isn't contagious.

So, I guess the lessons of the day are:
1 - Never wash all of your jeans at the same time
2 - Never blow your hair dry on a rainy day
3 - If you're really not crazy, the doctor won't think you are

And the best news of all?  I don't have to make dinner! We're headed out with our neighbors John & Trish.  Woohoo!

He's baaack....

Yeah!  Charlie's back and the lethargic, crabby, hollow-eyed baby is gone!  We couldn't be more thrilled.

After three days of sleeping, fussing and refusing to eat, a second trip to the doctor and a second round of antibiotics (that apparently don't taste as good as amoxicillin), it might have been strep.  The test was so faint though, that they had to send it to the lab Friday afternoon and the results won't be back until today.

It is not, however, diabetic ketoacidocis...  You see, Thursday and Friday Charlie's breath smelled strongly of rubbing alchohol, and since he was still extremely lethargic, I thought I should look it up online and see if I could find any hints as to what he might have and whether or not he needed to return to the doctor.  Well, according to all of the perfectly reliable internet sites I found, breath smelling of rubbing alcohol can be caused by one of two things: 1 - ingesting rubbing alcohol, 2 - diabetic ketoacidosis. 

The latter is accompanied by lethargy (Charlie had been napping 4 to 6 hours per day and then sleeping all night -- and this is the kid who barely gets in a 2 hour nap!), loss of appetite (by lunchtime Friday he'd only had half a Dora yogurt!), and severe dehydration (huh?  not sure...but probably not). 

So, I called the doctor, related his symptoms and asked if I should come in...all the while picturing weeks, months and years of doctors and procedures and special diets, etc.  Since he was so lethargic, they did recommend that I bring him back in, and of course, he perked right up in the waiting room, playing, laughing at the fish and trying to escape to the "well kids" side, terrifying a mother of a small baby.

Since Dr. Tripp is so great, she didn't even laugh at me once we made it to the exam room, but assured me that a child with DK would not be flirting with her, throwing goldfish or reveling in the I Spy books.  She did however do the strep test, which came back "inconclusive".

Saturday morning was still a bit iffy, but by Saturday afternoon we saw sparks of our Charlie.  He and I took Otis for a walk to the swings, where he insisted that I swing along side of him, and he actually ate some dinner, before topping off the day by feeding the fish with Bob.

Unfortunately for Charlie, he missed out on our guest Saturday evening.  A boy in the neighborhood found a Boston Terrier running loose and immediately brought it to our house (shocker!).  Amazingly enough it wasn't Otis, but within an hour we'd named the new dog Luis, and he and Otis were leaping furniture and wrestling on the living room floor.  Knowing how terrified I would be if Otis were missing, I posted a note on our neighborhood Facebook page, and Luis' real owners came racing up to the door less than an hour later.  Apparently Luis (aka Mercutio) had made a run for it right after dinner.  Alas, no second dog for us... Otis is still pouting.

Uncomfortable with taking Charlie to the nursery after just 3 doses of the new antibiotic, we all stayed home from church yesterday, but celebrated the return of our ornery little monster with blueberry and banana pancakes, and a full day of Daddy time.  By bedtime Jason and I were both exhausted -- apparently Charlie needed to make up for all of the rest he'd gotten over the last few days with constant activity.

Helping Mom while home sick

First Milkshake as a reward for being such a trouper at the Doctor

Back in dancing form

You're in my spot!

So lonely...