

Thursday, March 15, 2012

"I'm thwee!"

What is better than cake and icecream?  What is better than hotdogs, macaroni & cheese and che-tohs?  What is even better than a backyard full of friends and sidewalk chalk?


Jason and I couldn't be happier with Charlie's birthday party.  Despite a day full of emergencies, the firetrucks pulled up right on time and after an hour of climbing and driving and posing, Charlie and his buddies had to be pulled from the trucks in order to join us for dinner.  And the firemen even stayed for cake and icecream!  It really doesn't get any cooler than that when you're "thwee"!

Plus, our wonderfully generous friends and neighbors helped us raise over $400 for the Carolina Childrens' Charity...which just may push Old Fort Station #5 over the top and win them a home cooked meal during their fundraising drive next week.

There are no words to express how grateful we are for a healthy child, generous friends, safe neighborhood, free country and overwhelmingly loving God.  Life is good!

Worth every second!

Coming Through!

Buckled and Ready

Fun with Friends

I break for candy!

Nothing else to wish for

Loving his new "fire-shotter"