

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Big Moment

Jason and I are amazed  by how quickly Charlie is learning new things.  He now drinks water from a sippy cup, pulls himself up to standing as often as possible, and has even cruised 2 steps along the coffee table!  Plus, he remembers where things are and hunts them down (particularly shoes!).  It's so much fun.

With all of this newfound ability/knowledge, we've started introducing "No" at our house.  At first, it was just a meaningless syllable, quite similar to Charlie's preferred babble of "na-na-na-na-na."  Then it became funny, but last night and this morning we had our first breakthroughs!  He continually goes after the movies under the TV, and we slap his hand and say "No" in a firm voice.  (slap may be a stretch -- the first few times I did it he didn't even seem to notice...) Then we remove him from the scene of the crime.

Pretty much he just turns around and heads back over, but once for Jason last night then 3 times for me this morning, when we said No, he turned, looked at us and crawled off in another direction!  It was like a miracle -- so much so that I called Jason on his way to work and then left my mom a voicemail at 5:45 AM Mountain Time (sorry, Mom!).

I have to be honest -- I basked in the dreams of a fabulously obedient, well-mannered toddler for a good 5 minutes.  Then I ran into the study to take a work call and came back out to find Charlie eating dog food!  So, we still have a ways to go, but we're headed in the right direction (I hope!).

Standing on Dad

Daddy's Shoes