He was extremely cautious about getting our hopes up, so we were pretty low key through the week until my doctor's appointment on Thursday. Casey, the PRN, was overjoyed for me, and Dr. Keller said it must have been the shortest fertility treatment in history.
Based on our history, I convinced Dr. Keller to send me over for an ultrasound. Daddy met me and we got to see you (at a meer 6.6 cm!) and your little heartbeat -- Daddy saw it first. We were overjoyed, but still pretty shocked.
Right away we called Grandma & Grandpa from the parking lot. They were both having crummy weeks at work, but the news turned everything around!
By chance BaBa and PaPa along with Uncle Matt, Aunt Erin, Tyler & Elizabeth were all in town, so we got to tell them that night over dinner. Everyone is extremely happy and excited.
Over the next few days symptoms really started kicking in. The key ones so far are:
- I get tired very easily and often
- Hunger strikes quickly and hard, creating almost critical needs for food
- Peanut Butter is the perfect food
- Sweets don't sound good at all
- I have to use the restroom very frequently -- but this may have more to do with my sudden desire to drink enormous amounts of water
- I'm not getting sick, but I do feel generally nauseated about 50% of the time
As of today we're at 8 weeks and you are roughly the size of a kidney bean. You have ears and eyes and hands and your spine is starting to straighten out.
Last night Daddy and I bought a baby name book to try to figure out what we're going to call you. It's an important decision and we'll try to do a good job!