

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Routine vs. Flexibility, Intervention vs. Independence, etc...

I'm confused.  Like all parents, I'm sure, Jason and I try to do what is best for Charlie with every choice and decision we make -- but what do you when you get conflicting advice...or when your gut is giving you conflicting direction.

In my own life I am very structured and I like routine, but I also love surprises and spur of the moment fun.  We have Charlie on a fairly regular routine --
  • 6:30 - wake up & breakfast
  • play
  • 7:40 walk
  • 8:45 Donna's 
  • play
  • nap
  • 11:30 or 12:00 lunch
  • play
  • nap
  • snack
  • 4:30 home
  • play
  • 6:00 dinner
  • play
  • 7:30 snack
  • 8:00 bed
There is some variation and weekends are completely different -- other than wake and bed, but overall Charlie's life is very predictable. 

According to the books I've read this is all well and good, but I worry that maybe he's not learning to be flexible.  Should we be throwing more variation into his days, so he can deal with it?  What tends to happen is that he'll have a couple weeks of routine then one week where everything is a mess because we travel or have guests or have other random commitments. 

Last night we took Charlie with us to Bible Study, so he was up about an hour and a half later than usual.  He did much better than Jason or I would have thought while we were there -- except for the incident of stealing Little Phil's toys.  (Apparently we have a little bully in training.)  Which brings up another question -- what are you supposed to do in this situation?  I took the toy from Charlie and gave it back to Little Phil, but should I have just let them "work it out"?  At 7 and 8 months is that even possible?  It is just so hard to know what to do. 

All in all, Charlie always does pretty well.  If he misses naps or stays up late he is sleepy and a little grumpy, but has never had a meltdown.  I'm sure I'm over analyzing the whole thing, but it's so hard to know what the right thing is to do...

My goal is to raise a happy, independent, loving, confident, considerate, little boy.  I'm just not sure exactly how to do it!